
Personal Website to Display Data Products and Impose my Will on the Internet

Primary LanguageVue


Personal website to display some data products and to impose my will on the internet via blog.

Website logo

Flask Logo vue Logo Docker Logo NGINX Logo Let's Encrypt Logo AWS Logo GoDaddy Logo


Run two independent apps that do not communicate with each other for debugging and dev. Requires: Python 3.5 and npm.

  • cd backend
  • set FLASK_APP=run.py (export FLASK_APP=run.py)
  • pip install -e .
  • flask run
  • cd frontend
  • npm install
  • npm run serve

The full app can be run through docker but tends to slow down my computer a lot.

  • cd website
  • echo "VUE_APP_ROOT_API=http://localhost > frontend/.env.production
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-http.yml up --build


1.) Create Instance and Download Files

  • Set Up AWS EC2 instance:

    • Ubuntu 18.04 Image
    • t2.small (~$0.0023 / hour or ~$16 / month)
      • t2.micro works if you download the minified branch of card-classifier, otherwise you will get a Killed error during install of master on t2.micro (I assume tensorflow is the culprit). This is ~1/2 the price of t2.small.
    • Optional: Check Spot Requests to lower costs. But be warned that Amazon is on bullshit and your instance will disappear without explanation.
    • Enable Auto-assign Public IP
    • 10-12 GB EBS (Costs ~$0.10 GB / month)
    • Security Group Website:
      • SSH on 22
      • HTTP on 80
      • HTTPS on 443
  • Set up project

    • SSH into instance
    • Go to server root (EC2 defaults login as ubuntu so just cd ../../ after ssh-ing in)
    • sudo git clone https://github.com/spwhite1337/website.git
    • cd website
    • source initialization.sh
      • Get AWS Keys from S3 Bucket s3://scott-p-white/personal/keys

2.) GoDaddy

  • Update DNS records in GoDaddy account

    • Log-in -> Scott White (upper right) -> Manage Domains -> DNS -> Manage Zones -> Search scottpwhite.com

    • Match records to the IP Address from the EC2 instance

      DNS Records
    • Can take as little as minutes to work, but takes days to cover the globe.

  • Update hard-coded domain name in the nginx folder and letsencrypt folder of this repo. The rest of the docs assume scottpwhite.com.

    • nginx.conf
    • letsencrypt-staging.sh
    • letsencrypt-prod.sh (Also change the email in this script)

3a.) Serve over HTTP

  • cd website
  • sudo sh -c "echo 'VUE_APP_ROOT_API=http://scottpwhite.com' > frontend/.env.production"
  • sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-http.yml up --build

3b.) Add SSL Certification

SSL Certification can be accomplished with a free process from Let's Encrypt to enable transfer of data over HTTPS.

Generate an SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt / Certbot on a test site served over the domain. (Reference)

  • Stop and prune any running containers (e.g. sudo docker system prune -a)

  • cd website/letsencrypt

  • sudo docker-compose up -d

  • Go to http://scottpwhite.com and http://www.scottpwhite.com to verify site is working over http

  • Test the certification process with:

    • source letsencrypt-staging.sh

      Let's Encrypt Staging
    • Optional: Ensure success with source letsencrypt-info.sh

      Let's Encrypt Info Staging
  • Generate the certificates and save them to docker-volumes (rate limits are currently at 50 certificates per domain per week. Should be plenty but best not waste them.):

    • Remove staging volumes: sudo rm -rf ../../docker-volumes/

    • Get certs with source letsencrypt-prod.sh

      Let's Encrypt Prod
    • Optional: See info with source letsencrypt-info.sh

      Let's Encrypt Info Prod
  • Shut down initial certification container with: sudo docker-compose down

4.) Add DH-params

This is a security key I don't totally understand but was recommended by the internet. We'll add it as well.

  • cd website

  • sudo mkdir dh-param

  • sudo openssl dhparam -out /website/dh-param/dhparam-2048.pem 2048

    DH Params Out

5.) Serve Over HTTPS

  • Clear all containers / networks with: sudo docker system prune -a
  • cd website
  • sudo sh -c "echo 'VUE_APP_ROOT_API=https://scottpwhite.com' > frontend/.env.production"
  • sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-https.yml up --build

6.) Automate SSL Renewal

Set up a cron job to automatically renew SSL certificates in the docker environment (This still needs to be verified):

  • 0 0 1 * * cd website/letsencrypt && echo 'Y' | source cert_renewal.sh >> cron.txt