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St. John the Evanglist Indianapolis

St John's has a $2,500 fee and limited availability.

Fr. Rick (the main priest) is not always available, but if he does it you both have to be confirmed. This requirement is priest-specific.

notes from call:
sat 10am, 1 and 4pm.fee is $2500date will have to be provided

july - november (nothing in advent),one-in-christ is the retreat part: oicindy.com - info on registration (depends on if we get married there). 
they conduct the prep for out-of-state just fine but they need date/location, diocese. 
father rick wants brittany confirmed, so she should start that process. david.bartolowits@stjohnsindy.org
within 6 months out but right up to the date, they give the retreat part first bc that is a long process
there is a marriage prep course, 
first meeting in a group - deacon dave
others are father rick