
This repo is the openscenegraph make sources for iOS

Primary LanguageShell

What is this

This is the openscenegraph make sources for iOS platform. The OpenSceneGraph git repo is : https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph

How to use it

  1. Download this repo and unzip it.

  2. go into the dir, and git clone the openscenegraph repo in this

  3. Edit run.sh file, and redirect the export THIRDPARTY_PATH

    (Maybe you also need to edit -DIPHONE_SDKVER="16.4" with your local sdk version. You can run xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path to get the version number.)

  4. copy run.sh into OpenSceneGraph directory, and run it.

    (While running on iOS devices, maybe you need to remove the link MacOSSDK in XCode build settings. )

Other Info

Some Helpful Links





OSG Cook book recipes repo


Sample Data


OSG for iOS + uMundo :a plugin which can sync camera matrix between devices


Local Document Generate

According to this issue openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph#1063

Turn on CMake option BUILD_DOCUMENTATION, and run make doc_openscenegraph

It also refer an online document : https://codedocs.xyz/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph

ThirdParty Official Download Site

Other Tips

  • OSG report Error, no WindowSystemInterface available, cannot create windows.

    Use USE_GRAPICSWINDOW_IMPLEMENTATION(IOS) under the #include <osgDB/Registry>

  • *.osgb files could not read correctly

    Need USE_OSGPLUGIN(osg2) and USE_SERIALIZER_WRAPPER_LIBRARY(osg) to import the plugin library.

    And the *.osg files use these USE_OSGPLUGIN(osg) and USE_DOTOSGWRAPPER_LIBRARY(osg)

  • Add USE_DOTOSGWRAPPER_LIBRARY(osg) compile error.

    This statement will search libosgdb_deprecated_osg.a library. Make sure import it already.

  • Other Compile failed

    Add OSG_LIBRARY_STATIC to Preprocessor Macros may help.