
Customizable Logging

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "https://github.com/spydercapriani/diary-log.git", from: "0.1.0"),


Diary is designed to work out of the box, you can use the pre-configured logger anytime, anywhere:


Diary.error("somethings went wrong")

You can quickly create a logger with just a label, it will use the predefined log handler:

let logger = Logger.diary(label: "some-label")
logger.level = .info



The core component that makes this all work is DiaryHandler.

The following code snippet shows how to create a DiaryHandler and use it to bootstrap the logging system.

LoggingSystem.bootstrap { label in
    /// ! to create your own `DiaryHandler`, you need the following
    /// - `Modifier`: Maps which / how `Record`s will be handled.
    /// - `Writer`: Describes where `Record`s will be written.
    /// - `errorHandler` <Optional>: Handle any scenarios where records could not be modified / written. 
    let modifier = Modifiers.medium
    let writer = TerminalWriter.stdout
    let errorHandler = { error: Error in
        print("Failed to log: \(error)")

    return DiaryHandler(
        label: label, 
        modifier: modifier, 
        writer: writer, 
        errorHandler: errorHandler

let logger = Logger(label: "app")
logger.error("Something went wrong")


Modifiers process log records.

A modifier can be a formatter, a filter, a transformer, or a chain of modifiers.

Map, CompactMap, TryMap, ThrowMap, Format

You can create a modifier with just a closure.

let modifier = Modifiers.base
    .map {
        "\($0.entry.level.emoji) \($0.entry.message)\n"

// Output: // // 🔷 hello

or via keyPaths:

let modifier = Modifiers.base
        separator: " "
// Output:
//     🔷 hello

Or use the built-in modifiers directly.

Modifiers.short     // default for Diary logger.

// Output:
//     🔷 ▶ Attempting to connect to DB
//     ❌ ▶ Could not connect to DB


// Output:
//     🔷 ▶ INFO ▶ label ▶ source ▶ Attempting to connect to DB
//     ❌ ▶ ERROR ▶ label ▶ source ▶ Could not connect to DB


// Output:
//     🔷 ▶ INFO ▶ diary ▶ MyApp ▶ someFunction(_:) ▶ <Line#>
//      Message: Attempting to connect to DB
//      Metadata:
//          --db_destination=example-destination
//          --token=example-token


// Output:
//  {
//    "file" : "/diary-log/Sources/Playground/main.swift",
//    "function" : "demo(_:)",
//    "label" : "com.playground.json",
//    "level" : "info",
//    "line" : 15,
//    "message" : "OS Log Sample",
//    "source" : "Playground"
//  },


You can create a filter modifier with just a closure.

let filtered = Modifiers.short
    .filter {
        $0.entry.source != "Diary"
// logs from `Diary` will not be output.


Or use the built-in expressive dsl to create one.

let filtered = Modifiers.short
    .when(\.entry.source)     // Utilizes Record keypath's
let filtered = Modifiers.short


Modifiers are chainable, a modifier can concatenate another modifier.

let modifier = modifierA + modifierB + modifierC // + modifierD + ...

// or
let modifier = modifierA
    // .concat(modifierD) ...

Diary ships with many commonly used operators.

Prefix & Suffix

let modifier = Modifiers.base
    .prefix("🎈 ")
// Output:
//     🎈 Hello World!

let modifier = Modifiers.base
    .suffix(" 🎈")
// Output:
//     Hello World! 🎈

Encode Encodes Encodable records

let encoded = Modifiers.base
    .encode(using: JSONEncoder())
// Or feel free to use the prebuilt modifer
let encoded = Modifers.jsonData

Encrypt Encrypts Data records

let modifier = Modifiers.base
    .encode(using: JSONEncoder())
    .encrypt(using: key, cipher: .ChaChaPoly)

Compress Compresses Data records

let modifier = Modifiers.base
    .encode(using: JSONEncoder())
    .compress(using: .COMPRESSION_LZFSE)


You may wish to add custom Context to records to capture additional data points.

You can use Context protocol with append to capture and pass the context into the records Entry.Metadata.

private struct CustomContext: Context {
    let date = Date()
    let thread = LogHelper.thread

let encodedLogger2 = Logger(label: "com.playground.encoder2") { label in
    struct Custom: Context {
        let info = "Some Custom Info"
        let date = Date()
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601
    encoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys, .withoutEscapingSlashes]
    let modifier = Modifiers.base
        .encode(using: encoder)
    return DiaryHandler(
        label: label,
        modifier: modifier,
        writer: TerminalWriter.stdout,
        errorHandler: errorHandler

//  Output
//  {
//    "category" : "example-category",
//    "custom" : {
//      "date" : "2022-01-27T00:23:15Z",
//      "info" : "Some Custom Info"
//    },
//    "file" : "/diary-log/Sources/Playground/main.swift",
//    "function" : "demo(_:)",
//    "label" : "com.playground.encoder2",
//    "level" : "info",
//    "line" : 32,
//    "message" : "OS Log Sample",
//    "source" : "Playground",
//    "subsystem" : "example-subsystem"
//  },


Writers handle destinations for log records.

Built-in Writers


Write strings to the underlying OSLog.

let writer = OSWriter()


Write strings to the underlying TextOutputStream.

let writer = TerminalWriter(stream)

let stdout = TerminalWriter.stdout
let stderr = TerminalWriter.stderr

MultiplexLogHandler Support

Write records to multiple destinations.

let multiLogger = Logger(
    label: label,
    modifier: modifier,
    TerminalWriter.stdout.eraseToAnyWriter(),   // Due to type handling you must .eraseToAnyWriter()
    OSWriter().eraseToAnyWriter()               // Note that all writers must have the same Output type.