Hey there , I'm Achraf

🧑‍💻 About me

I am a student at 1337-Benguerir (42 Network) I am looking for an internship in the DevOps field. I've been using a variety of programming languages and technologies, including C/C++, ShellScript, TypeScript, GIT, Kubernetes, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Docker, and Docker-compose ...


:octocat: Github Profile Stats

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Personal projects (and mode):

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💻 Last Projects

Projects Description
libft This project is about coding a C library. It will contain a collection of functions that will be a useful tool.
get_next_Line This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor.
ft_printf The goal of this project is to recode printf().
ft_server This is a System Administration subject. An introduction to Docker and web servers configuration.
cub3D The goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze(3DGame), in which you'll have to find your way.
libasm The aim of this project is to get familiar with assembly language.
ft_services This project is an introduction to cluster management and deployment with Kubernetes. The goal is to virtualize a network and do "clustering".
pipex This project is the discovery in detail and by programming of the UNIX mechanism PIPE '|'
minishell The objective of this project is to create a simple shell like BASH.
push_swap Sorting algorithms project.
philosophers This project is an introduction to Threads/Processes/Mutex.
ft_containers This project is an re-implement of C++ Containers.
webserv In this project I write my own HTTP server !

⚙️ Languages and Technologies

bash c cplusplus docker git grafana javascript jenkins kubernetes linux mariadb mysql nestjs nginx nodejs postgresql postman typescript