
Common configuration files and setup for desktop machines

Primary LanguageShell

This script symlinks the config directories in lconfig to their correct place

Author: Lukas Klingsbo (Spydon)

Useful packages for fresh installs on X11:

  • xmonad, xmobar - Base xmonad setup
  • zsh, antigen - Base shell setup
  • neovim - Vim but can be used as a backend for other applications, for example firenvim
  • rofi - A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
  • termite - Terminal emulator with as minimized mouse usage for copy and links
  • firefox - Browser of course ** firenvim - Vim bindings for text boxes in firefox, depends on neovim ** tridactyl - Vim bindings for navigation in firefox
  • pcmanfm - Lightweight file manager
  • scrot - Printscreen
  • feh - Background shower
  • intellij - Great IDE
  • autojump - Use j to intelligently cd around
  • htop, gtop - Monitor processes
  • sxlock - X screen lock
  • dunst - notifications that can be controlled by the keyboard
  • silversearcher-ag - powerful recursive grep (call with ag)
  • backlight - Set backlight for laptops
  • fzf - fuzzy search in the filesystem
  • compton - compositor, makes termite able to have transparency
  • gitg - Visualize git branches
  • meld - Show git diffs
  • powerline-fonts - Fonts with special glyphs to handle special shell themes


  • terminator - Terminal emulator for sending same commands to several shells, tmux can also be used


  • sublime3 - Lightweight grafical editor, vim mode does not work flawlessly


  • urxvt - Replaced by termite which is more modern and has saner config
  • vim - Well, vim.

Useful packages for fresh installs on Wayland:

  • sway - Tiling window manager, drop-in replacement of i3
  • waybar - Better bar than swaybar
  • Don't forget to install otf-font-awesome
  • zsh, antigen - Base shell setup
  • neovim - Vim but can be used as a backend for other applications, for example firenvim
  • clipman - Clipboard manager
  • mpv - Video player
  • alacritty - Standard terminal in sway
  • grim - Screenshots
  • wl-clipboard - Handles the clipboard from the command line
  • ly - terminal display manager
  • sway-launcher-desktop - mod + p launcher with MRU sorting
  • pavucontrol
    • Fantome dark theme gtk (set with lxappearance)