An Android friedly tool + library to read on compressed Open Street Map data (bz2) extracts, convert it into a Sqlite database for easy querying.
Alex O'Ree, committer for osmdroid, Apache Software Foundation, and many other projects
Apache Software License v2.0
Still working on this in my spare time. Not really API or functionally stable right now.
git clone
./gradlew clean install
Edit your $rootDir/build.gradle, add under allProjects, repositories, add mavenLocal() Edit your app/module's build.gradle file and add
//Android only
compile ('org.osmdroid.reader:osm-reader-lib:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'){
exclude group: 'org.xerial'
compile 'org.sqldroid:sqldroid:1.0.3'
//Java JRE/JDK only
compile 'org.osmdroid.reader:osm-reader-lib:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
//needed on android only
DriverManager.registerDriver((Driver) (Class.forName(
"org.sqldroid.SQLDroidDriver" , true,
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqldroid:/sdcard/osmdata.sqlite");
Reader reader = new Reader();
//read input file to output database"/sdcard/delaware-latest.osm.bz2", con);
Once this process is complete, you'll have yourself a database that's easy to query. It can take a very long time on a smart phone or tablet.
Keyword search (everywhere)
List<SearchResults> searchResults ="new castle", 10, 0, connection);
for (int i=0; i < searchResults.size(); i++) {
SearchResults record = searchResults.get(i);
System.out.println(record.getName() + " " + searchResults.get(i).getType() + " " + searchResults.get(i).getLat() + "," + searchResults.get(i).getLon() + "," + searchResults.get(i).getDatabaseId());
Keyword search within a bounds
List<SearchResults> searchResults ="new castle", 10, 0, connection, 40,-75,39,-76);
for (int i=0; i < searchResults.size(); i++) {
SearchResults record = searchResults.get(i);
System.out.println(record.getName() + " " + searchResults.get(i).getType() + " " + searchResults.get(i).getLat() + "," + searchResults.get(i).getLon() + "," + searchResults.get(i).getDatabaseId());
Using the databaseId
from above, get all "tags" for a given Node, Way, or Relation
Map<String, String> tags = QueryTools.getTags(366753278L, connection, 1000, 0);
Using the databaseId
from above, Street address, phone number and website extraction.
Note: this is a best effort extraction using commonly used keywords, since the osm data model is open ended.
Address addr = QueryTools.getAddress(366753278L, connection);
Try this source: You want the .osm.bz2
The smalled osm extract is for the state of Delaware, USA. Compressed, it's only 11MB and 7,564,957 xml elements which translates to about 2,483,857 database rows (with ways and relations). Uncompressed XML is around 150MB. In database format, it takes about 100 MB or about 10x whatever the download size is. The whole planet is around 50GB right now, which means you'd need 500GB of disk storage for the planet.
What data is needed is up to the use case. If you're just using this tool for reverse geocoding, you probably don't care who edited what and when. This is a future optimization we could do (pull requests welcome!)
Processing time on :
Implementation | CPU | Data set | Batch Size | Time wo/Ways & Relations | Time w/Ways & Relations |
XML pull parser | AMD 8 core with SSD | Delaware.bz2 | 500 | n/a | 102 sec |
XML pull parser | Galaxy S5 | Delaware.bz2 | 400 | 1 hr+ | 1 hr+ |
XML pull parser | AMD 8 core with SSD | Planet | 500 | about 66 days (est) | |
Osmosis | AMD 8 core with SSD | Delaware.bz2 | 500 | n/a | 83 sec |
Osmosis | Galaxy S5 | Delaware.bz2 | 400 | n/a | n/a |
Notes Osmosis doesn't appear to work in an android environment. No idea why
Thanks to for making Gradle easier to work with.