
Google reCAPTCHA widget for yii1

Primary LanguagePHP


Based on reCaptcha API 2.0

Quick Start

You can clone the github repo and get the full codebase to build the distributive something you want.


  • 1/ Install Composer

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

  • 2/ Install Guzzle (Here we use v 4.2.3)

php composer.phar install


  • 1/ Download GitHub repo (dakiquang/yiiReCaptcha) and extract files into a destination folder(extensions folder/vendor folder or any folder in your structure)

  • 2/ Sign up for an reCAPTCHA API keys on Google reCaptcha. and get the key/secret pair

  • 3/ Configure this component in your configuration file (main.php file). The parameters siteKey and secret are required.

'components' => [
    'reCaptcha' => [
        'name' => 'reCaptcha',
        'class' => '<path-to-destination-folder>\yiiReCaptcha\ReCaptcha',
        'key' => '<your-key>',
        'secret' => '<your-secret>',

4/ Add ReCaptchaValidator in your model, for example:

    public $verifyCode;

    public function rules()
        return array(
            array('verifyCode', 'required'),
            array('verifyCode', '<path-to-destination-folder>.yiiReCaptcha.ReCaptchaValidator'),

5/ Usage this widget in your view

$this->widget('<path-to-destination-folder>.yiiReCaptcha.ReCaptcha', array(
    'model'     => $model,
    'attribute' => 'verifyCode',

6/ Use for multiple domain: By default, the reCaptcha is restricted to the specified domain. Use the secure token to request a CAPTCHA challenge from any domain. Adding more attribute 'isSecureToken' => true to setup for any domain:

$this->widget('<path-to-destination-folder>.yiiReCaptcha.ReCaptcha', array(
    'model'     => $model,
    'attribute' => 'verifyCode',
    'isSecureToken' => true,