
Tcactl is both a tool and library for creating an automation pipeline for VMware Telco Cloud Automation. The main objective command line provides kubectl like interface to register cloud providers, create and manage tenant clusters, tenant applications.

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Tcactl is both a tool and library for creating automation pipeline for VMware Telco Cloud Automation. The main objective command line provides kubectl like interface to register cloud providers, create and manage tenant clusters, tenant applications.

Table of content

tcactl tool provider.

  • Ability to retrieve any object from Telco Cloud Automation (in short TCA) via regular tcactl get semantics.

  • Each retrieved object cloud provider, cnf, vnf etc can serialize via yaml, json or tabular format.

  • Ability connect, delete or update existing cloud registration.

  • Ability to create, delete, or update cluster templates.

  • Ability to create tenant management and workload cluster.

  • Ability onboard and manage VNF and CNF.

  • Ability to leverage tosca policy to scale, upgrade CNF or VNF.

  • tcactl has build in Tosca parser, tool allow you to apply transformation to existing CSAR and upload to a system.

  • tcactl resolve most of the name in all artifact. For example instead of using ID and execute multiply command tool allow to indicate just name.


ls -l 


Main interface provides regular main root menu command interface.

  • Create
  • Delete
  • Describe
  • Get Details

Each command has context specific sub-command.

tcactl ctl tool for VMware Telco Cloud Automation

  tcactl [flags]
  tcactl [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new object in TCA.
  delete      Command deletes object (template,cluster,cnf etc) from tcactl.
  describe    Describe TCA object details
  get         Gets object from TCA, cnfi, cnfc etc
  help        Help about any command
  init        Command initializes default config file.
  save        Saves config variables to config file.
  update      Updates cnf, cnf catalog etc

Tcactl configuration.

Tools store default configuration in $HOME/.tcactl/config.yaml

For initial configuration run

tcactl init

The init command generate boilerplate default config. After that we can either edit file or use tcactl to set all value.

./tcactl set -h
Command sets config variables (Username, Password etc) for tcactl.

  tcactl set [flags]
  tcactl set [command]

Available Commands:
  api         Command sets tca end-point and saves config.
  cluster     Command sets cluster and saves config.
  nodepool    Command sets default node pool end-point and saves config.
  password    Command sets cluster username and saves config.
  username    Command sets TCA username and saves config.

For minimum configuration you need set api endpoint, username and password. Harbor detail used to list helm chart and validation CSAR chart name.

defaultcloud: edge
defaultcluster: edge-test01
defaultnodepool: default-pool01
defaultreponame: https://my_repo.io/chartrepo/library
stderrthreshold: INFO
tca-endpoint: https://tca.vmware.com
tca-password: VMware1!
tca-username: administrator@vsphere.local
harbor-endpoint: https://myrepo.io
harbor-username: admin
harbor-password: mypass
useviper: true

Context sub command.

Get provides capability retrieve object from a TCA.

./tcactl get -h
Gets object from TCA. CNFI is CNFI in the inventory, CNFC Catalog entities.

  tcactl get [cnfi, cnfc, clusters, pools] [flags]
  tcactl get [command]

Available Commands:
  clouds      Command retrieves a list of cloud providers.
  clusters    Return cluster information
  cnfc        Command returns CNF or VNF catalogs entity
  cnfi        Return cnf instance or all instances
  extensions  Command retrieves API extensions and respected object.
  repos       Command Returns repositories list.
  templates   Command retrieves a list of cluster templates.
  tenant      Command retrieves K8s tenant cluster, -t option provided option retrieves VIM clusters.
  vdu         Command retrieves CNF/VNF VDU information.
  vim         Command retrieves a vim-cloud provider information.

For example to get cluster list we can use get cluster info

./tcactl get clusters info
Using config file: /Users/spyroot/.tcactl/config.yaml
 #  ID                                    NAME      TYPE        VC NAME  ENDPOINT                   STATUS
 0  659884b9-51d8-4dfe-bbc7-96015aac1f36  k8s-mgmt  MANAGEMENT  core   ACTIVE
 1  794a675c-777a-47f4-8edb-36a686ef4065  edge      WORKLOAD    hubsite   NOT ACTIVE
 2  85b839fb-f7ef-436f-8832-1045c6875a01  test      MANAGEMENT  core  ACTIVE
 3  b41cd752-f091-4c49-82c0-982f3040a03d  test02    WORKLOAD    core   NOT ACTIVE

The same command can be executed with -o json or yaml flag to get respected format.

  "Clusters": [
      "id": "659884b9-51d8-4dfe-bbc7-96015aac1f36",
      "clusterName": "k8s-mgmt",
      "clusterType": "MANAGEMENT",
      "vsphereClusterName": "core",
      "managementClusterId": "",
      "hcxUUID": "20210212053126765-51947d48-91b1-447e-ba40-668eb411f545",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "activeTasksCount": 0,
      "clusterTemplate": {
        "name": "management",
        "version": "",
        "id": "46e2f7c5-1908-4bee-9a58-8808ff57a2e2"
      "clusterId": "",
      "clusterUrl": ""

Template Creation.

  • tcactl accept both JSON and Yaml specs for cluster templates and cluster specs.

  • All name and symbols resolved before template created.


Management cluster template.

clusterType: MANAGEMENT
    kubernetesVersion: v1.20.4+vmware.1
    - cpu: 4
      memory: 16384
      name: master
        - label: MANAGEMENT
      storage: 50
      replica: 1
      labels: []
      cloneMode: linkedClone
name: min
    - cpu: 4
      memory: 131072
      name: default-pool01
        - label: MANAGEMENT
      storage: 80
      replica: 1
        - type=pool01
      cloneMode: linkedClone
            type: kubernetes
            policy: default

After spec create we can create a template.

 tcactl create template examples/template_spec_mgmt.yaml

If we need get cluster existing template.

tcactl get templates
Using config file: /Users/spyroot/.tcactl/config.yaml
 #  ID                                    NAME        TYPE        CNI                        K8S VER.
 0  46e2f7c5-1908-4bee-9a58-8808ff57a2e2  management  MANAGEMENT  []                         v1.20.4+vmware.1
 1  55e69a3c-d92b-40ca-be51-9c6585b89ad7  min         MANAGEMENT  []                         v1.20.4+vmware.1
 2  c3e006c1-e6aa-4591-950b-6f3bedd944d3  myworkload  WORKLOAD    [{multus {}} {calico {}}]  v1.20.4+vmware.1

If we need to update the cluster template, we apply the update command.

Cluster creation.

To create a Kubernetes cluster in TCA, a client first need to create a management cluster. For example examples/edge_mgmt_cluster.yaml contains a sample spec.

  • The tcactl accept both json and yaml specs.
  • Spec can use a name or UUID of object. For example template name can be name or id.
  • The id or name of template can be retrieved via tcactl command.

For example

tcactl get get templates

Example of spec

name: edge-mgmt-test01
clusterPassword: VMware1!
clusterTemplateId: "55e69a3c-d92b-40ca-be51-9c6585b89ad7"
clusterType: MANAGEMENT
hcxCloudUrl: https://mytca.my_domain
vmTemplate: photon-3-kube-v1.20.4+vmware.1
    - name: master
        - label: MANAGEMENT
          networkName: tkg-dhcp-vlan1000-
        - name: tkg
          type: Folder
        - name: vsanDatastore
          type: Datastore
        - name: k8s
          type: ResourcePool
        - name: mycluster
          type: ClusterComputeResource
    - name: default-pool01
        - label: MANAGEMENT
          networkName: tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-
        - name: tkg
          type: Folder
        - name: vsanDatastore
          type: Datastore
        - name: k8s
          type: ResourcePool
  • On the top, we indicate cluster type it either Management or Workload.

  • hcxCloudUrl - Each TCA can have different cloud endpoint. Each endpoint linked 1:1 via control plan appliance. this is how we instruct actual placement of cloud provider.

  • You need make sure that port-group are correctly mapped to full path as it defined in VC.

  • tcactl allows you to get all this via tcactl

For example

 #  TENANT ID                         VIM NAME     HCX CLOUD                        VIM TYPE    CITY       LATITUDE  LONGITUDE  REMOTE STATUS  LOCAL STATUS
 0  995E3654A97849FFB4EFACD411B53EDC  core         https://tca-cp03.cnfdemo.io      VC          Palo Alto   37.3913  -122.1467  ok             ok
 1  797182432D8E4ED4BA7CDD3345803D17  edge         https://tca-pod03-cp.cnfdemo.io  VC          Palo Alto   37.3913  -122.1467  ok             ok
 2  2A91240E14FE4E7DA2B860EC41CDE847  edge-test01  https://tca-pod03-cp.cnfdemo.io  KUBERNETES  Palo Alto   37.3913  -122.1467  ok             ok

or you can get a yaml or json version.

tcactl get vim network edge -o yaml
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-106
      name: sriov-pg
      dvsName: hub01-sriov
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/sriov-pg
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-44
      name: mgmt-vlan80.dell.path
      dvsName: hub-core-mgmt
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/mgmt-vlan80.dell.path
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-45
      name: vsan.vlan78.dell.path
      dvsName: hub-core-mgmt
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/vsan.vlan78.dell.path
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-50
      name: vsan-local
      dvsName: hub-site01
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/vsan-local
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-6010
      name: tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-
      dvsName: hub-site01
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-41
      name: cellsite-k8s-uplink
      dvsName: cellsite01-macvlan
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/cellsite-k8s-uplink
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-53
      name: ptp
      dvsName: cellsite01-sriov
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/ptp
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup
    - status: ACTIVE
      tenantId: 20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6
      id: dvportgroup-7012
      name: tkg-cell-dhcp-vlan1007-
      dvsName: cellsite01-macvlan
      fullNetworkPath: /Datacenter/network/tkg-cell-dhcp-vlan1007-
      networkType: vlan
      isShared: false
      type: DistributedVirtualPortgroup

JSON example

  "networks": [
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-106",
      "name": "sriov-pg",
      "dvsName": "hub01-sriov",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/sriov-pg",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-44",
      "name": "mgmt-vlan80.dell.path",
      "dvsName": "hub-core-mgmt",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/mgmt-vlan80.dell.path",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-45",
      "name": "vsan.vlan78.dell.path",
      "dvsName": "hub-core-mgmt",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/vsan.vlan78.dell.path",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-50",
      "name": "vsan-local",
      "dvsName": "hub-site01",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/vsan-local",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-6010",
      "name": "tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-",
      "dvsName": "hub-site01",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-41",
      "name": "cellsite-k8s-uplink",
      "dvsName": "cellsite01-macvlan",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/cellsite-k8s-uplink",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-53",
      "name": "ptp",
      "dvsName": "cellsite01-sriov",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/ptp",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "tenantId": "20210602134140183-1ddd8717-de09-4143-acb5-e51fb372ebf6",
      "id": "dvportgroup-7012",
      "name": "tkg-cell-dhcp-vlan1007-",
      "dvsName": "cellsite01-macvlan",
      "fullNetworkPath": "/Datacenter/network/tkg-cell-dhcp-vlan1007-",
      "networkType": "vlan",
      "isShared": false,
      "type": "DistributedVirtualPortgroup"

VIM command provider main interface to get all cloud provider data.

tcactl get vim
  tcactl get vim [flags]
  tcactl get vim [command]

  vim, vims

 - tcactl describe vim compute my_cloud_provider

Available Commands:
  compute     Command retrieves a vim information.
  datastore   Command retrieves a vim information.
  folders     Command retrieves a VIM folder.
  networks    Command retrieves a vim networks.
  resources   Command retrieves a VIM's/Cloud Provider a resource pool.
  templates   Command retrieves a template VM and path.

Example if we need get resource pool, datastore

    - entityid: domain-c8
      name: hubsite
      entitytype: cluster
      numofhosts: 3
        - entityid: datastore-32
          name: datastore28
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 342523641856
            freespace: 341009498112
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "false"
            type: VMFS
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/60254c3d-21a1cf28-7520-e4434bf994b6/
            uncommitted: 0
        - entityid: datastore-18
          name: nfs4
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 417380753408
            freespace: 370611855360
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "true"
            type: NFS41
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/f437382f-13261798-0000-000000000000/
            uncommitted: 1929089024
        - entityid: datastore-58
          name: vsanDatastore
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 5761124007936
            freespace: 5031765622129
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "true"
            type: vsan
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:528724284ea01639-d098d64191b96c2a/
            uncommitted: 1438679728128
        - entityid: datastore-34
          name: datastore29
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 342523641856
            freespace: 341009498112
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "false"
            type: VMFS
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/60254cec-cb11aa98-a02e-e4434bf999aa/
            uncommitted: 0
        - entityid: datastore-33
          name: datastore27
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 342523641856
            freespace: 341009498112
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "false"
            type: VMFS
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/60254b1a-6776e274-62c2-e4434bf998de/
            uncommitted: 0
      memory: 1648069402624
      cpu: 280044
      k8clusterdeployed: 2
      numk8smgmtclusterdeployed: 1
      numk8sworkloadclusterdeployed: 1
    - entityid: domain-c1011
      name: cellsite02
      entitytype: cluster
      numofhosts: 0
      datastore: []
      memory: 0
      cpu: 0
      k8clusterdeployed: 0
      numk8smgmtclusterdeployed: 0
      numk8sworkloadclusterdeployed: 0
    - entityid: domain-c10
      name: cellsite01
      entitytype: cluster
      numofhosts: 1
        - entityid: datastore-17
          name: datastore26
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 342523641856
            freespace: 268889489408
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "false"
            type: VMFS
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/6025474e-bfbd7598-0c96-e4434bf99392/
            uncommitted: 246365816354
        - entityid: datastore-18
          name: nfs4
            accessible: "true"
            capacity: 417380753408
            freespace: 370611855360
            maintenancemode: normal
            multiplehostaccess: "true"
            type: NFS41
            url: ds:///vmfs/volumes/f437382f-13261798-0000-000000000000/
            uncommitted: 1929089024
      memory: 549356343296
      cpu: 93348
      k8clusterdeployed: 0
      numk8smgmtclusterdeployed: 0
      numk8sworkloadclusterdeployed: 0

Workload cluster

Workload cluster creation done via

tcactl create cluster mycluster.yaml
name: edge-test01
managementClusterId: edge-mgmt-test01
clusterPassword: VMware1!
# we can use name or id c3e006c1-e6aa-4591-950b-6f3bedd944d3
clusterTemplateId: myworkload
clusterType: workload
        - name: nfs_client
            mountPath: /nfs_mount
        - name: vsphere-csi
            # you will need adjust that
            datastoreUrl: ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:528724284ea01639-d098d64191b96c2a/
            datastoreName: "vsanDatastore"
hcxCloudUrl: https://cp_fqdn_or_ip
endpointIP:                             # cluster ip
vmTemplate: photon-3-kube-v1.20.4+vmware.1      # template vm
# you will need adjust all placement
    - name: master
        - label: MANAGEMENT
          networkName: tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-   # where to connect master node
        - name: tkg
          type: Folder
        - name: vsanDatastore
          type: Datastore
        - name: k8s
          type: ResourcePool
        - name: mycluster
          type: ClusterComputeResourcel
    - name: default-pool01
        - label: MANAGEMENT
          networkName: tkg-dhcp-vlan1007-
        - name: tkg
          type: Folder
        - name: vsanDatastore
          type: Datastore
        - name: k8s
          type: ResourcePool
        - name: my_cluster
          type: ClusterComputeResource
  - name: tkg
    type: Folder
  - name: vsanDatastore
    type: Datastore
  - name: k8s
    type: ResourcePool
  - name: hubsite
    type: ClusterComputeResource