
A collection of functions for geospatial analyses using GDAL2

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The chorospy (choros = space, place, location) package contains a set a functions for creating and manipulating vector and raster data, common tasks in research fields like spatial ecology, biodiversity conservation, remote sensing etc.


The modules are written in Python 3 and are based on GDAL v2. It is preferred to run the modules in an isolated python environment (see https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html). Apart from a system-wide installation of GDAL (http://www.gdal.org/), the following python packages should also be already installed: osgeo, pandas, numpy


Download the chorospy package and define it's directory

import sys 

import chorospy

Points to polygone(s)

The function below creates a geojson file (see http://geojson.org/) with two features. Each feature is a multipolygone that consists of three buffer zones (50km is the default value) created from the input points. The id's of the two features are geom_1 and geom_2 respectively.

inPoints = [[[0, 10],[0, 20], [10,20]], 
            [[30,40],[30, 45],[35, 30]]]
chorospy.pointToGeo(inProj = 4326, inPoints = inPoints, outFile = 'test', fields = {'id': ['geom_1','geom_2']}, buffer = True)

If both the buffer and the convexHull arguments are set to True the function will create a convex hull of the buffer zones.

chorospy.pointToGeo(inProj = 4326, inPoints = inPoints, outFile = 'test', fields = {'id': ['geom_1','geom_2']}, buffer = True, convexHull = True)

When the buffer argument buffer is left to the default value (false) the same function creates polygones with edges corresponding to the provided points. Using the same dataset as above the function below will create two simple polygones.

chorospy.pointToGeo(inProj = 4326, inPoints = inPoints, outFile = 'test', fields = {'id': ['geom_1','geom_2']}, outFormat = 'shp')

Filter points

The following function disaggregates points closer than one kilometer (0.008333333333333 degrees). 'x' and 'y' are the name of the columns with Longitude and Latitude data.

import pandas
inPoints = pandas.read_csv('myPointFile.csv')
filteredPoints, removedPoints = chorospy.disaggregate(inPoints, 'x', 'y', 0.008333333333333)

Create polygon grid (fishnet)

Creating a regularly-spaced grid (fishnet) is a common task in physical geography. The following function creates a vector file with polygons representing the cells of the grid. We can define the spatial extent of the grid, the cell edge size, the number of rows and columns and the projection (in proj4 format). The function supports two vector formats, json and shp. For this example, we create a grid of approximately 500 by 500 km cells at the Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carrée) projection. When the sphericalCentroid argument is set to true, the features are represented with spherical coordinates in the final vector file.

proj4 = 'proj +proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs'
chorospy.createFishNet('lambert.json', proj4, xmin=-180, ymax=90, xmax=180, ymin=-90, cellWidth=500, cellHeight=500, nRows=None, nCols=None, extentIsSpherical = True, sphericalCentroid = True)

Get raster values

The function below extracts values of rasters for the provided coordinates. The function takes a set of rasters and a set of points (i.e. a pandas dataframe with the point coordinates) as inputs and returns a new pandas data frame with the same point coordinates (the centroids of the cells are also calculated and printed) and the values of the rasters for each point. Raster format should be geotif. The first argument defines the directory where the rasters are located. The names in the inRaster list correspond to the raster names, e.g. bio3.tif and bio6.tif.

inRasters = ['bio3', 'bio6']
rsValues = chorospy.getValuesAtPoint('.', inRasters, filteredPoints, 'x', 'y')
rsValues.to_csv('rsValues.csv', index=False)

The function below extracts all values of rasters and provides the centroid of each cell.

inRasters = ['bio3', 'bio6']
rsValues = chorospy.getRasterValues('.', inRasters)
rsValues.to_csv('rsValues.csv', index=False)

Create reference raster

Assessing the spatial aspects of biodiversity usually requires the definition of a grid on which spatial calculations will be conducted. The following function can create a raster file of any size and extent. The user can define the extent both in spherical and in cartesian coordinates. The user can additionally define the projection and a clip vector for the final raster. In this example, we create a raster file (refRaster.tif) with 350km cell resolution at the standard parallels (i.e cell area is 122.5 square kilometers) at a cylindrical equal-area projection projection (Behrmann) and at global extent. The properties of this family of projections (i.e. north-south compression is precisely the reciprocal of east-west stretching) allow us to define a grid that consists of cells of equal area. The cells have random values (cellValues = 'random') that range from 0 to 1000 (default). For the clipping (inVector), we first have to reproject the 10m natural earth land file at the Behrmann projection (ne_10m_land_Behrmann.shp).

ogr2ogr -t_srs '+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' ne_10m_land_Berhmann.shp ne_10m_land.shp

and then in python

                      xmin = -180, ymin = -90, 
                      xmax = 180, ymax = 90,
                       pixelSize = 350000, coordinates = 'spherical',
                      proj = '+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs',
                      cellValues = 'random',
                      inVector = 'ne_10m_land_Berhmann.shp',
                      rasterizeOptions = ['ALL_TOUCHED=FALSE'])

Filter raster file

In some cases, a researcher may want to exclude some cells from downstream spatial analyses, based on the coverage of these cells by some natural features (e.g. water). The function below modifies a raster file based on the coverage by water. The water bodies are given as features (geojson file) and the cells of the raster file that are covered by more than 50% (arbitrary number) of water are assigned a nan value. The function returns an array that is subsequently saved as a new raster.

#first, let's create a raster that covers the specified extent at the specified resolution (0.00833333). By default the cells of the rasters are random numbers in [0,1].
#if the inVector optional argument is defined (e.g. inVector = 'test.shp'), the raster will be clipped by the features of the input vector file.
chorospy.createRaster('cells.tif', [10, 55, 20, 60], 0.0833333, inVector = None)
#then run the function
filteredArray = chorospy.filterByCoverage('output.json', 'cells.tif', 50)
#and finally export the array to a raster file. 
chorospy.array2raster('cellsFiltered.tif', 'cells.tif', filteredArray, -9999, 'float32')

Create raster of species richness / occurrence density

Given a list of species and their occurrences, one can create a species richness map at the desirable resolution. The following function takes a data frame with species occurrences and a vector file defining the extent and boarders of the map, and creates a raster file whose cell values represent the number of species in the respective cell. Only the occurrences that fall within the extent of the vector file will be considered. Occurrences that fall outside the boarders (the coastline in our example) will be printed in the screen.

#first, let's create a pseudo data set using 10000 random species occurrences for 10 species. In this case the center of diversity is located at 15N, 60E somewhere in Sweden
import random
import pandas
spOcc = []
for i in range(10000):
    spOcc.append({'species': 'sp_{}'.format(random.randint(1,10)), 'x': random.normalvariate(15, 1), 'y': random.normalvariate(60, 1)})

sp = pandas.DataFrame(spOcc)

#disaggregate the points for each species. We use a 10km distance (0.08333333). The same number will be used to define the raster resolution 
DF = pandas.DataFrame()
for species in sp.species.unique():
    df = sp[sp.species == species]
    df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
    df1, rem = chorospy.disaggregate(df, 'species', 'x', 'y', 0.08333333)
    DF = pandas.concat([DF, df1])
DF.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)

#now let's create the raster ('test.tif'). The last argument is the no data value
chorospy.makeDensityRaster(DF, 'sweden.json', 0.08333333, 'test.tif', -9999)

Note: The same function can be used to create an occurrence density map (e.g. for a single species) without disaggregating the occurrences.