
Human Protein Atlas Image Classification baseline:0.456

Primary LanguagePython


Human Protein Atlas Image Classification baseline:0.456


Baseline Score: 0.456 (now)

1. requirements

pytorch-0.4.0 pretrainedmodels-0.7.4 imgaug

2. usage

step1: change config.py:train_data and test_data path for your self

step2: python main.py

3. saving models

I save three models from train process: best-loss,best-f1,final-epoch

4. for help

if someone have any questions and suggestions,please tell me !!!

Email: zhuchaojie@buaa.edu.cn

5. results

Because I have not enough time to train my model,after 34 epochs I stopped it and made one submission,get score : 0.461


Because some unknown problems,the result may different but around 0.45