
Shiny application

Primary LanguageR

Shiny application: converter

This is a Shiny application that does conversion between metric units and English units for temperature (Fahrenheit and Celsius), distance (miles and kilometers) and valume (gallons and liters).

Run the application

You can run the application in two ways:

  1. Visit the application page at the Shiny server: https://spz1st.shinyapps.io/converter

  2. Run the application in R console (with shiny installed).

    1. Download the two files, ui.R and server.R, into a directory on your local computer.

    2. In the R console:

      > setwd('path/to/the/directory/with/the/two/files')

      > library(shiny)

      > runApp()

HTML slides created with slidify

The file converter.Rmd is a file for making slide presentation on the Shiny applicatin converter and the HTML slides can be created with slidify in the R console as following:

> library(slidify)

> slidify("converter.Rmd")

The HTML file from slidify can be viewed at the following link:

https://spz1st.github.io/converter/converter.html (use the arrow keys to go through the slides)