
TvMaze data scraper to provide with REST api (test assignment)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TVMazeShow scraper

Current application has two business features work:

  1. scrap data of tvMaze shows and casts
  2. provide rest api endpoint on /api/v0/showcast?page=0&size=250

Showcase endpoint consumes next query parameters:

  • page is required parameter and can be omitted
  • size is optional and has default value 250


Scraper can be configured in two ways:

  • Enable by config: scraper -> runOnStart. Later it can be moved to env variable.
  • Setup a schedule with cron like string in configuration.
  • In development mode: scrape process will be executed on start. On production: - will be executed by schedule only.


  • yarn install
  • docker-compose up -d # To run mongo on localhost
  • yarn run start

Create Docker image


Folder structure

/configuration - production and development configs are stored. nconf is used under the hood.
    /boundaries - In this part of the application any 3rd party connection or state is bootstrapped. They have provide start/stop api. TODO: create Runnable to establish interface and contracts.
    /controllers - Here business logic is stored
    /helpers - small utilities that are used across the application
    /services - services that provide api to manipulate http requests, logging, requests pull.

Require vs ES6 imports

Here is common.js modules are used because they don't require babel (additional compile step on build). @std/esm is a good alternative but it has some issues to enable for 3rd party libraries and can be considered as experimental, not production ready.