
Primary LanguageLua

My neovim config, that im using with Wezterm terminal.

Current bugs:

  • Starts slowing down after a couple of hours. FIXED (Switched from WiNdOwS TeRmInAl to Wezterm terminal)
  • Error parser for C parsing "note: see declaration"
  • Omnisharp signature help is conflicting with deoplete.
  • Omnisharp server needs to be restarted after adding .cs files from Unity.
  • cnext and cprev doesn't work when there is only one item in quickfix list.
  • Sometimes after VISUAL mode start cursor jumps the fuck away after pressing j or k (it was my keyboard)

Instalation (Choco on Windows)

  1. choco install neovim
  2. Install vim-plug
  3. Download and install Python for all users
  4. Provide python host (python.exe) in init.vim
  5. Download and install LLVM
  6. Provide path to LLVM in init.vim
  7. choco install ripgrep
  8. choco install fd
  9. pip install neovim
  10. pip install pynvim
  11. Open nvim and type :PlugInstall
  12. Reload nvim and type :UpdateRemotePlugins
  13. If errors still persist :checkhealth and try to resolve it yourself

Wezterm (Optional)

  1. choco install wezterm
  2. Create wezterm.lua settings in .exe location folder (my settings)