
:rocket:semantic-release for gogs

Primary LanguageShell

semantic-release Conventional Commits semantic-release.

Drone plugin for making semantic releases based on https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release.


See commit message format to use it.

Add the following to the drone configuration

kind: pipeline
name: default

- name: semantic-release
  image: sqeven/semantic-release
    version_file: .tags # the file where the version will be persisted, defaults to .release-version
    git_user_name: sqeven # semantic release committer name (git config user.name)
    git_user_email: sqeven@example.com # semantic release committer email (git config user.email)
    github_token: # semantic release token (for authentication)
      from_secret: token

or for BitBucket

    bitbucket_token: # semantic release token (for authentication)
      from_secret: token

or for GitLab

    gitlab_token: # semantic release token (for authentication)
      from_secret: token

or for any git server (including BitBucket cloud which does not support tokens):

    git_login: bot
      from_secret: password

What it does

Runs on master branch only. Skips any actions below while on other branches.

  • automatically creates a semantic version number
  • attaches the version number as repo's git tag
  • exposes the version number into the file .release-version
  • automatically creates, populates and pushes CHANGELOG.md to your master branch
