
Official C port of Sqids. Generate short unique IDs from numbers.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Sqids (pronounced "squids") is a small library that lets you generate YouTube-looking IDs from numbers. It's good for link shortening, fast & URL-safe ID generation and decoding back into numbers for quicker database lookups.

Getting started

The library is built using GNU Autotools.



The library includes several blocklists that are enabled and built by default.

You have the option to build it without them by passing --disable-default-blocklist to configure.

Memory management

Unlike Hashids, Sqids relies heavily on dynamic memory allocation.

You can still override the memory management functions if needed, by reassigning sqids_mem_alloc/sqids_mem_free.

Error handling

Sqids defines a thread-safe sqids_errno with the following possible values:

Value Description
SQIDS_ERR_ALLOC Memory allocation failed. Generally this means errno is ENOMEM.
SQIDS_ERR_ALPHABET Alphabet is too short.
SQIDS_ERR_MAX_RETRIES Max encoding retries reached.
SQIDS_ERR_INVALID Hash contains invalid characters.
SQIDS_ERR_OVERFLOW Integer overflow.

Keep in mind that you should first test the function result and then inspect sqids_errno - if a function succeeds, sqids_errno is left untouched.



sqids_t *
sqids_new(char *alphabet, int min_len, sqids_bl_t *blocklist)

Sqids structure constructor.

If you pass NULL null as the alphabet, SQIDS_DEFAULT_ALPHABET will be used.

A NULL blocklist will result in no blocklist at all. See the blocklist API below for further information.

The returned structure should be freed using sqids_free.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


/* free a sqids structure */
sqids_free(sqids_t *sqids)

Sqids structure destructor.

Deallocates the Sqids structure including the alphabet and the blocklist, if present.


sqids_shuffle(char *alphabet)

Consistent shuffle.

Chances are you won't be using this anywhere outside Sqids.


char *
sqids_encode(sqids_t *sqids, unsigned int num_cnt, unsigned long long *nums)

Encode function.

Encodes an array of numbers to a string hash.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


char *
sqids_vencode(sqids_t *sqids, unsigned int num_cnt, ...)

Variadic version of sqids_encode.


sqids_num_cnt(sqids_t *sqids, char *s)

Number counting function.

Returns the count of numbers in an hash. Keep in mind that this function can return 0 as empty strings are not considered errors.

In case of failure, -1 is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


sqids_decode(sqids_t *sqids, char *s, unsigned long long *nums, unsigned int num_max)

Decode function.

Decodes a hash back to numbers. Keep in mind that this function can return 0 as empty strings are not considered errors.

Result is the count of numbers decoded in the hash.

In case of failure, -1 is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


sqids_bl_t *
sqids_bl_new(int (*match_func)(char *, char *))

Blocklist constructor.

Returns a new empty blocklist, which itself is a doubly linked list.

If you pass NULL as match_func, it will default to sqids_bl_match.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


sqids_bl_free(sqids_bl_t *bl)

Blocklist destructor.

Frees the blocklist and all its data.


sqids_bl_node_t *
sqids_bl_add_tail(sqids_bl_t *bl, char *s)

Adds a word to the end of the blocklist.

Result is a pointer to the new blocklist node.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


sqids_bl_node_t *
sqids_bl_add_head(sqids_bl_t *bl, char *s)

Adds a word to the beginning of the blocklist.

Result is a pointer to the new blocklist node.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.


sqids_bl_node_t *
sqids_bl_find(sqids_bl_t *bl, char *s)

Tests if a string matches any of the bad words in the blocklist.

Result is pointer to the matching blocklist node, or NULL if no match is found.


sqids_bl_match(char *s, char *bad_word)

Default blocklist match function.

Tests if a string matches a bad word.

Result is 1 in case of a match, 0 otherwise.


sqids_bl_t *
sqids_bl_list_LANG(int (*match_func)(char *, char *))

Will either return the combined blocklist of a language-specific one. If you pass NULL as match_func, sqids_bl_match will be used as default.

In case of failure, NULL is returned and sqids_errno is set accordingly.

Function Description
sqids_bl_list_all The default blocklist, contains all language-specific blocklists combined.
sqids_bl_list_de German blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_en English blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_es Spanish blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_fr French blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_hi Hindi blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_it Italian blocklist.
sqids_bl_list_pt Portuguese blocklist.


A command-line utility is provided so one can easily encode/decode hashes and experiment with the library.


Simple encode & decode:

#include <sqids.h>

sqids_t *sqids = sqids_new(SQIDS_DEFAULT_ALPHABET, 0, sqids_bl_list_all(NULL));

unsigned long long nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
char *hash = sqids_encode(sqids, 3, nums);  // => "86Rf07"
sqids_decode(sqids, hash, nums, 3);         // => 3


Enforce a minimum length:

#include <sqids.h>

sqids_t *sqids = sqids_new(SQIDS_DEFAULT_ALPHABET, 10, sqids_bl_list_all(NULL));

unsigned long long nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
char *hash = sqids_encode(sqids, 3, nums);  // => "86Rf07xd4z"
sqids_decode(sqids, hash, nums, 3);         // => 3


Using a custom alphabet will produce different results:

#include <sqids.h>

sqids_t *sqids = sqids_new("FxnXM1kBN6cuhsAvjW3Co7l2RePyY8DwaU04Tzt9fHQrqSVKdpimLGIJOgb5ZE", 0, sqids_bl_list_all(NULL));

unsigned long long nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
char *hash = sqids_encode(sqids, 3, nums);  // => "B4aajs"
sqids_decode(sqids, hash, nums, 3);         // => 3


Custom blocklist is just as simple:

#include <sqids.h>

sqids_bl_t *bl = sqids_bl_new(NULL);
sqids_bl_add_tail(bl, "86Rf07");
sqids_t *sqids = sqids_new(SQIDS_DEFAULT_ALPHABET, 0, bl);

unsigned long long nums[] = {1, 2, 3};
char *hash = sqids_encode(sqids, 3, nums);  // => "se8ojk"
sqids_decode(sqids, hash, nums, 3);         // => 3


For a more thorough example of the API, take a look at src/main.c.
