
A .NET library enabling the obfuscation of VertiPaq Analyzer files.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

VertiPaq-Analyzer Obfuscator

VertiPaq Analyzer Obfuscator is a .NET library that enables the obfuscation of VertiPaq Analyzer files.

You can read more here.


The library is available on NuGet. Just search for Dax.Vpax.Obfuscator in the Package Manager GUI or run the following command in the .NET CLI:

dotnet add package Dax.Vpax.Obfuscator


The library can be used in any .NET application built with net462, netcoreapp3.1, net5.0 or later.


using var vpax = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\unobfuscated.vpax"));
var obfuscator = new VpaxObfuscator();
var dictionary = obfuscator.Obfuscate(vpax);

File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\obfuscated.ovpax", vpax.ToArray());


using var vpax = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\obfuscated.ovpax"));
var dictionary = ObfuscationDictionary.ReadFrom(@"C:\path\to\dictionary.dict");
var obfuscator = new VpaxObfuscator();
obfuscator.Deobfuscate(vpax, dictionary);

File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\deobfuscated.vpax", vpax.ToArray());

Incremental Obfuscation

Incremental obfuscation keeps the same obfuscated names across different VPAX versions of the same model.

using var vpax = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\unobfuscated-v2.vpax"));
var dictionaryV1 = ObfuscationDictionary.ReadFrom(@"C:\path\to\dictionary-v1.dict");
var obfuscator = new VpaxObfuscator();
var dictionary = obfuscator.Obfuscate(vpax, dictionaryV1);

File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\path\to\obfuscated-v2.ovpax", vpax.ToArray());


A command-line interface is also available for the obfuscator. The CLI is available as a standalone executable, which can be downloaded from the releases page.

C:\> vpax-obfuscator.exe [command] [options]

For usage and help content for any command, pass in the -h parameter, for example:

C:\> vpax-obfuscator.exe obfuscate -h

  Obfuscate the DaxModel.json file and delete all other contents from a VPAX file.

  vpax-obfuscator obfuscate [options]

  --vpax <vpax> (REQUIRED)                 Path to the unobfuscated VPAX file.
  --dictionary <dictionary>                Path to the dictionary file to be used for incremental obfuscation. If not provided, a new dictionary will be created.
  --output-vpax <output-vpax>              Path to write the obfuscated VPAX file. If not provided, the file will be written to the same folder as the '--vpax' file, using the default file extension for obfuscated VPAX files, which is '.ovpax'.
  --output-dictionary <output-dictionary>  Path to write the obfuscation dictionary file. If not provided, the file will be written to the same folder as the '--vpax' file, using the default file extension for obfuscation dictionary files, which is '.dict'.
  --track-unobfuscated                     Specifies whether to include unobfuscated values in the output dictionary.
  --allow-overwrite                        Allow output files to be overwritten. If not provided, the command will fail if an output file already exists.
  -?, -h, --help                           Show help and usage information