- 3
edb360 Executive summary document
#97 opened by almogaverok - 2
- 5
Broken graphs due to CDB changes
#67 opened by abelmacias - 1
Wrong query to obtain con_dbid
#70 opened by abelmacias - 0
- 5
Not executing section 7b
#87 opened by brunocantellimogi - 1
- 0
Another Typo in readme
#82 opened by patrickjolliffe - 5
SGA stats query not CDB compatible
#80 opened by simonpane - 0
Query on SQL_HIST table when pack set to N
#75 opened by matthewdw - 0
- 0
Refine "EXPLAIN PLAN" mode in Pathfinder
#45 opened by mauropagano - 2
18.3 - hang and dcli: command not found
#38 opened by miguelanjo - 2
Line Chart PL/SQL
#36 opened by dbarj - 3
- 1
#30 opened by msavdert - 1
Top SQL driver errors out on ORA-32034
#12 opened by mauropagano - 1
SQLd360 not correctly called by eDB360
#14 opened by mauropagano - 2
Does it need to be on db server filesystem?
#3 opened by jgebal - 2
licence edition?
#2 opened by seadba