Fork of sqlx. 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL.
- 57r31
- AkristaTBTBGlobal
- artshell
- asaaki@markentier
- big-lip-bobMilky Way
- brunosansigoloLincoln
- c1m50c@sourceallies
- demosthenez
- dmitryrck@aplyid
- Doom4535Walla Walla University
- dvxLos Angeles, CA
- dzmitry-lahodaportugal
- etsea117Forbright Bank
- falcucci@txpipe
- foodornt
- genusistimelordAscendingCreations
- kaubuNew Zealand
- kekonnKomma Board
- kroucher@rhizomer
- matthewpflueger
- natebwangsut@agoda-com
- njust
- setenum
- SmertosMonsato
- spdrman@fnchart
- stanislav-tkach
- Stefanowhb
- tiavision
- Type1J
- vladbat00Kyiv, Ukraine
- whee
- windbg
- yaowenqiangt8t
- YavariYavtech
- youmin1017Taiwan
- zjp-CN