
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A minimalist flashcard app with a Vanilla JS frontend and a flask and postgres backend.

Many thanks to https://github.com/testdrivenio/flask-vue-kubernetes from where the backend with flask and postgres, the docker integration as well as the structure of this project have been adapted.

Run with docker-compose

To run this application with docker-compose

docker-compose up -d --build

On a first time run, initialize the database with

docker-compose exec postgres createdb -U postgres flashcards
docker-compose exec flask python manage.py recreate_db
docker-compose exec flask python manage.py seed_db 

Now you can visit https://localhost in your browser (you'll have to confirm that you want to proceed to a site with a self-signed certificate though). You can also query the flask backend API (and pipe through jq for prettier view).

curl localhost:5000/flashcards
  "container_id": "4f87b82a81f7",
  "flashcards": [
      "chinese": "吃了嗎?",
      "english": "Have you eaten?",
      "id": 1
      "chinese": "去哪裡啊?",
      "english": "Where're ya headed?",
      "id": 2
      "chinese": "你來對了地方。",
      "english": "You've come to the right place.",
      "id": 3
      "chinese": "屁啦!",
      "english": "Nonsense!",
      "id": 4
  "status": "success"

Run with kubernetes

(Adapted from https://github.com/testdrivenio/flask-vue-kubernetes.)


Create the volume:

kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume.yml

Create the volume claim:

kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/persistent-volume-claim.yml


Create the secret object:

kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/secret.yml


Create deployment:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-deployment.yml

Create the service:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/postgres-service.yml

Create the database:

kubectl get pods
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods | grep -o "postgres-[-0-9a-z]*") -- createdb -U postgres flashcards


Build and push the image to Docker Hub:

docker build -t $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE/flashcards-flask ./services/backend
docker push $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE/flashcards-flask

Make sure to replace $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml.

Create the deployment:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml

Create the service:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/flask-service.yml

Apply the migrations and seed the database:

kubectl get pods
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods | grep -o "flask-[-0-9a-z]*") -- python3 manage.py recreate_db
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods | grep -o "flask-[-0-9a-z]*") -- python3 manage.py seed_db


Build and push the image to Docker Hub:

docker build -t $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE/flashcards-nginx ./services/frontend
docker push $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE/flashcards-nginx

Make sure to replace $SOME_DOCKER_HUB_NAMESPACE with your Docker Hub namespace in the above commands as well as in kubernetes/flask-deployment.yml.

Create the deployment:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/nginx-deployment.yml

Create the service:

kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/nginx-service.yml


  • Update README.md and ci scripts to interpolate secret values from environment when deploying secret.yml (sed | kubectl apply -f -)
  • Update docker-compose to interpolate base url from environment when starting up nginx (envsubst)