Up to date developer blog can be found HERE.
- Registration/Login system (in development)
- Character creation system (in development)
- Save/Load system using checkpoints (in development)
- Admin system of course. (in development)
- AntiCheat system (UAC) (Lua + C) (in development)
- Walking and sprinting (walk is default, sprinting uses drink and food energy)
- Bank system (in development)
- Deposit money
- Withdraw
- Loans
- Credit cards
- Food system (Vending machines, or restaurants, etc) (in development)
- Drink system (Vending machines, or restaurants, etc) (in development)
- House system (in development)
- Purchase properties
- Rent rooms in the city’s hotel(s)
- Normally, even with FOW disabled, you can’t see what’s inside the house, until you go in. (Each buildings have their own black cover)
- Vice versa, if you are in the house, you can’t see out (You can still do with window)
- Give keys to your friends, so they can access the house anytime (limited number of keys)
- Car system CS2D (in development)
- Purchase used/new cars
- There are used cars, each car has unique condition.
- Cars have condition, you might need to repair parts of it, which you can do at the car mechanic
- At car mechanic, you may tuning your car, so it can go faster, look better.
- You can lockpick cars to stole them, but you need the skills to do so