
This repository contains Quake3 configuration and deployment files, customized for my specific setup.

These files are ready for deployment in your preferred OpenShift project.


Modify the Configuration File:

The file 01_ocp_q3-config.yaml is a ConfigMap object that defines the Quake3 server configuration. Adjust the config according to your requirements. It should work out of the box and start maps with added AI bots.


Deploy the configuration to your OpenShift project using the following commands:

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sqrex/q3/main/01_ocp-q3-config.yaml

oc apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sqrex/q3/main/02_ocp-q3-deployment.yaml


Expose service and add route:

oc expose --name web svc/quake

oc create route edge web --insecure-policy='Redirect' --service='quake'

Additional Info

Source of information:

QuakeKube repo

OpenShift example quake3 tutorial

Don't forget about: /cg_fov 120