
Python version of the Cannelloni library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python version of the Cannelloni library

For now implemented only on the receiver side.

General logic of the library

Cannelloni library logic


Simply copy and paste the cannellonipy.py file into your project.

Cannelloni message format

The message format is the same as the one used in the Cannelloni library:

# UDP packet format:
# 1 byte - Version
# 1 byte - Operation code
# 1 byte - Sequence number
# 1 byte - Number of CAN frames
# First CAN frame:
# - CAN frame format:
# - 4 bytes - CAN ID
# - 1 byte - Length of hexadecimal data
# - N bytes - Data
# Second CAN frame:
# ...

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Version | Operation code | Sequence number | Number of CAN frames | CAN frame 1 | ... |
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Import the library
from cannellonipy import run_cannellonipy, CannelloniHandle

# Create a cannellonipy handle
cannellonipy_handle = CannelloniHandle()

# Run the library
run_cannellonipy(cannellonipy_handle, "", 1234)

# Get the received data
received_frames = handle.get_received_can_frames()
for frame in received_frames:
    print("Received CAN frame -> CAN ID:", frame.can_id, ", Length:", frame.len, ", Data:", frame.data[:frame.len].hex())

An example of usage can be found in the usageTest.py file.


  • 🔳 Implement CAN transmit
  • 🔳 Implement CAN receive
  • 🔳 Implement tests