
Generate a graphql schema file from a prismic repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🏭 Prismic Schema Generator

Being able to generate a schema SDL file from prismic allows you to build custom types in Prismic and then generate types for use in your application, you can even use a package like this.

If you're like me and you like to validate data as it comes into your application, you also can use those types alongeside packages like Decoders

Getting Started

yarn add prismic-schema-generator

npm install prismic-schema-generator

and run:

prismic-schema -r [name of your repository] -o [output file name].gql


Prismic has an annoying habit of typing large sections of responses as JSON, particularly rich text and images. Here are two types you can use for those instances:

interface PrismicRichText Array<{
  type: string | null,
  text: string | null,
  spans: Array<{|
    start: number | null,
    end: number | null,
    type: string | null,
    data: mixed | null,
  } | null>,
} | null>;
interface PrismicImage {
  url: string | null,
  alt: string | null,
  copyright: string | null,
  dimensions: {
    width: number | null,
    height: number | null,
} | null;