- 0
- 1
- 1
The Hilt Android Gradle plugin is applied but no dependency was found.
#575 opened by Drjacky - 2
Support extending base builder classes
#574 opened by vRallev - 0
cannot generate
#573 opened by an965666225 - 2
duplicate Nullable
#572 opened by byrxs5216 - 0
did u consider this kind of case: ChildFragment needs to reuse ParentFragment's object instead of creating a new one。hilt may not support this kind of case
#570 opened by byrxs5216 - 1
每次修改完java代码都需要clean项目 才能运行,
#567 opened by Quenstin - 1 cannot be provided without an @Provides
#564 opened by 1191102363 - 1
how can i run the example of
#560 opened by panhs - 0
#563 opened by chdown - 2
- 1
Constructor injection cannot find symbol method inject members dagger2 2.14
#559 opened by skyshine999 - 1
Error when a component is trying to include bindings with different scopes could be more informative
#557 opened by benkay - 1
Subcomponent inside subcomponent
#556 opened by RakeshTM - 1
Android Context
#555 opened by kingning1 - 0
#553 opened - 3 does not implement
#552 opened by kingning1 - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Since 2.9: The declared package "javax.inject" does not match the expected package "dagger.super.javax.inject"
#548 opened by Martin-Luft - 4
Couldn't make a guess for
#534 opened by brozikcz - 1
MemberInjection.create parameters order
#547 opened by marciodel - 1
'No injectable members ...' is an error?
#527 opened by rodlogic - 1
Could not generate Component file
#544 opened by zhouchaohong1111 - 1
DaggerXXXComponent cannot be generated
#542 opened by ayuhe - 2
looking for contributor for jBeanBox Android project
#541 opened by drinkjava2 - 1
@named annotation with condition
#540 opened by alorma - 2
- 2
- 1
the initial files of Dagger have already generated, but it couldn't be found when compiled
#537 opened by qq4105195 - 1
Website documentation about using dagger
#536 opened by ahmed-hamdy90 - 1
Is it OK to create an instance of a dependency already in the module constructor
#535 opened by tercanfurkan - 0
- 2
class$1 has interface as super class
#526 opened by MakerYan - 6
#525 opened by zhanjixun - 1
dagger-compiler:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT not on Sonatype
#523 opened by AngusMorton - 0
dagger.internal.codegen.Util$CodeGenerationIncompleteException: Unknown type r eturned as <error>
#522 opened by zakiravian - 1
Documentation Tip: Search Structurally @Provides
#521 opened by jmfayard - 2
- 7
Holding reference after onDestroy()
#519 opened by jemshit - 3
- 1
Modernize tests.
#513 opened by JakeWharton - 0
Remove Java 5 support
#505 opened by JakeWharton - 1
Rewrite the keys to be not ambiguous for $ and .
#502 opened by swankjesse - 1
Remove static injection support.
#503 opened by JakeWharton - 0
"InjectAdapter uses unchecked or unsafe operations" when injecting parameterized type into generic class
#500 opened by mattlogan - 2
Example simple build fail
#498 opened by gengjiawen - 1