- 2
App rejected by apple appstore
#244 opened by aargon007 - 7
[expo] Plugins for adding build script also merchantID and enable google pay
#236 opened by kuldip-simform - 3
Expo Support
#208 opened by Carlwirkus - 0
Android crashes during service incident
#242 opened by anton-chikunov - 1
Mastercard certificate requires latest SDKs version
#239 opened by Phong-TH - 0
Issue running the quickstart app
#238 opened by AkbarBakhshi - 13
Cannot find Symbol R (Android) on React Native 0.73
#229 opened by fobos531 - 7
[Expo 50] Execution failed for task ':react-native-square-in-app-payments:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
#235 opened by kuldip-simform - 0
android alert cancel button missing
#233 opened by nidhicodeinfoway - 1
- 0
Outdated play-service-maps SDK
#231 opened by jack114jack - 1
Multiple Spinner Loaded Issue
#186 opened by harmit001 - 1
All IOS Card Transactions Failing
#221 opened by tinymobile - 24
Payment not completed (Apple Pay)
#101 opened by rajatpillai - 18
- 11
SDK incorrectly detecting sandbox application ID
#192 opened by fobos531 - 5
Build Failed when tried to run on ios
#218 opened by talha-irshad-kodexo - 3
Error with Google Pay
#216 opened by AkbarBakhshi - 3
- 6
Error: Invariant Violation: Native module cannot be null
#181 opened by lrob7325 - 4
- 6
- 2
Support for building on M1 (arm64) Macbooks
#194 opened by castrostevenfox - 9
- 3
ZIP to Postcode localization not working
#123 opened by tinymobile - 2
Can't build android app with your plugin
#185 opened by attractfront - 0
The card form problem when use autofill from browsers
#183 opened by zucandu - 0
- 1
Square Secure Authentication in Dark Mode
#125 opened by tinymobile - 3
Android Build Failed - org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException (no error message)
#174 opened by moizchhatriwala - 7
tutorial/example immediately crashes after launching in android emulator
#118 opened by AnachronicNomad - 11
Android app crash
#137 opened by LukhiKartik - 1
- 1
Provide TypeScript type definitions
#160 opened by gdogaru - 1
React native - Xcode build failed.
#163 opened by luvnish19 - 1
Click on delete while entering exp date of the card blocks the user from entering the details
#164 opened by dutradotdev - 5
Suddenly Unable to gradlew assembleRelease
#159 opened by n3rd253 - 0
Card nonce already used; please request new nonce.
#165 opened by darajava - 2
Can this autofill card details?
#97 opened by darajava - 2
- 2
SCA card-on-file implementation
#106 opened by darajava - 6
- 4
- 1
No enum constant sqip.Country.Australia
#145 opened by camiewwatman - 5
- 2
ios platform version
#126 opened by n3rd253 - 5
Android build failed
#103 opened by LukhiKartik - 0
#124 opened by tinymobile - 1
Apple Pay | App crashed
#105 opened by vatsal-gadhiya-searce - 1
Apple Pay payment sheet fails to appear after calling requestApplePayNonce
#102 opened by jordangrant