Pinned issues
- 4
Small UI bug with Android 15
#2690 opened by Tolriq - 1
- 1
Nav_App 1st
#2729 opened by MohamedMontagneAbdelkader - 1
There is no title of app that generates leak anywhere to actually identify source of leaks in multiple apps per project scenario.
#2723 opened by renetik - 1
Sometimes too slow to build dominator tree
#2725 opened by zienn - 0
- 3
Command Execution Crashes on Android 14
#2693 opened by SireAI - 0
- 0
- 0
Feature for auto delete hprof file
#2719 opened by zainalfh - 0
LeakActivity memleak cause by com.qualcomm.qti.Performance
#2718 opened by knyhat - 2
Support needed to implement Plumber Library
#2710 opened by arunsudharsan - 0
- 0
Experiment with Calcite
#2716 opened by pyricau - 0
Retained size computation is incorrect
#2715 opened by pyricau - 0
SecurityException: cannot read channels for
#2714 opened by larack163 - 1
AndroidLeakFixes.FLUSH_HANDLER_THREADS cause IdleHandler runs every second
#2691 opened by NamekMaster - 4
Compose NavBackStackEntry leak
#2675 opened by andronaline - 0
Heap analysis failed
#2709 opened by amdadulhuqhelal - 0
Total retain size is negative
#2700 opened by zienn - 0
Docs of how to use Dominator Tree
#2699 opened by zienn - 0
Crash in `RootViewWatcher$listener$1.onRootViewAdded`
#2698 opened by sankiran-s - 0
There are a lot of leaks about on Android 12.
#2692 opened by bryanrady - 1
Crash and can't open
#2689 opened by ttooyy - 6
Crash with ViewModel 2.8
#2677 opened by Pitel - 2
Possible false positive in AdMob SDK ?
#2688 opened by bubbleguuum - 1
Memory Leak Detected on Camera Navigation with CameraX - Inconsistent Leak Traces
#2685 opened by sanketbhangale43 - 0
Memory leak
#2686 opened by zolianmawia - 2
TextClock memory leak: TextClock$FormatChangeObserver
#2680 opened by kuiper-lee - 5
- 1
Bugs when running application
#2674 opened by hafiz013 - 1
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- 1
Background ANR at ScreenOffTrigger BroadcastReceiver [leakcanary on release]
#2661 opened by FranAguilera - 0
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Remove the usages of WorkManager's SettableFuture
#2650 opened by kuanyingchou - 1
v2.13 App crash while monkey testing (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0)
#2643 opened by derpomorj - 0
🙉 [This issue will be immediately closed]
#2653 opened by w1s3one805 - 1
I make a desktop app , which use shark library to analyze leak。you can play it。
#2652 opened by LXD312569496 - 0
Leak droid-org-repo-APPID
#2654 opened by w1s3one805 - 0
#2649 opened by jiayuliang1314 - 0
"Getting started" page accidentally pointing folks to alpha release
#2644 opened by JonathanNakhla-Square - 1
App Crashing V3.0 alpha 1
#2638 opened by GvHarish9894 - 0
Support computing retained size for any object
#2642 opened by pyricau - 0
Better handling of CoroutineContext in traces
#2637 opened by pyricau - 1
Huawei P40Lite app launcher icon disappear
#2634 opened by svsorokina - 1
analysis via backgroundThreadHeapAnalyzer end at 90%
#2628 opened by xnfreedom - 1
Heap analysis failed-Failed resolution of: Lokio/Okio
#2622 opened by BaY1251 - 0
Use @RestrictTo
#2629 opened by pyricau - 0
UI for manual heap growth detection
#2620 opened by pyricau