Computer Engineer interested in backend development and data intensive applications. Ex Major League Hacking Fellow'21 @forem
squarebat's Following
- akashdotsrivastava@bigbinary
- Amishakumari544india
- atodorov@kiwitcms
- aviiiij
- benhalpernForem
- brunosimonCreative Journey
- Buly1601
- cAtamanNigeria
- citizen428@kojocloud
- cmgortonAWS
- Divyashree-iyer
- georgeamccarthyThe University of Bath
- gmelodie@application-research
- HammadKhalid101DailyPay
- jesseduffieldMelbourne
- joeyoussHarness
- johndbrittonCo-Founder & CEO of @Workbrew
- kayceesrkTarides and IIT Madras
- khushit-shahkhushit-shah
- krupali1511
- kunal-kushwahaCivo
- lanc33llisAustin, TX
- MananDesai54Computer
- MikeMcQuaid@Workbrew
- navn-r@facebook
- OmarMuhammedAli@suplyd-app
- preetmungaraSurat, India
- rhymes
- Rubix982@securitiai
- sarthakkundra@ackotech
- ShreyaPrasad1209@uber
- shriramBrown University
- suyash-thakur
- theycallmeswiftMajor League Hacking (MLH)
- tiangoloBerlin, Germany
- wrussell1999@kestra-io