Square Candy Plugin Starter

Easily create a Frequently Asked Questions page with answers that slide down when the questions are clicked. Shortcode is available, not required.

Fork of the Easy FAQ with Expanding Text plugin for use with Theory One Design and Square Candy themes.

Thanks to the original plugin author Bryan Gentry.

Thanks to Theory One Design for sponsoring and inspiring this fork's development

End Users

  • To make every heading (h2, h3, etc.) on a page into an accordion bar, check the "Full Page Accordion" box on the edit screen of the page.
  • To make just one part of the page into an accordion, place [accordion_start] before your accordion content and [accordion_end] at the end of the section. All headings between these two shortcodes will become the clickable bar area, and all other content between the headers will become the expanding content.






The plugin works on pages only by default. You can expand it to additional posts types by filtering the post types array on squarecandy_filter_accordion_post_types like this:

add_filter( 'squarecandy_filter_accordion_post_types', 'mycustom_accordion_post_types');
function mycustom_accordion_post_types( $faq_post_types ) {
	$additional_post_types = array( 'custom-post-type', 'post', 'another-custom-post-type-slug' );
	return $faq_post_types + $additional_post_types;

Getting Started

  • run npm install in the plugin directory
  • run grunt to listen for changes to your scss files and to compile them immediately as you work
  • All commit messages must follow the Conventional Commits standard.
  • always run grunt preflight to make sure all linting passes before you commit.

For more detailed information about coding standards, development philosophy, how to run linting, how to release a new version, and more, visit the Square Candy Developer Guide.