
Primary LanguageObjective-C


Weathr is an open source iPhone and iPad app which aims to provide an minimalist approach to finding current local weather. No interaction is necessary - your location is found and then a weather report is downloaded using the OpenWeatherMap API.

The secondary purpose is to show how Unit Tests work in Objective-C.

Key Technologies used in this project

  • Frameworks
    • Core Location
    • XCTest
    • Core Animation
    • OCMock
  • NSURLSessionDataTask - for downloading JSON data
  • NSAttributedString - for mixing font weight in UILabel
  • NSDate and NSDateFormatter

Using the app

The first step is to clone the repository: $ git clone https://github.com/squarefrog/Weathr.git

Then just open the project file Weathr.xcproj in Xcode 5 or later.

Checking test coverage

The project is all set up for coverage testing using Cover Story. A post on Stack Overflow by Hugo Ferreira was a big help setting this up.

To check the coverage of the tests, first run the test suite (cmd+u) and then open up Organizer. Click on Weathr and navigate to the folder listed in Derived Data. You'll then need to drill down into the i386 folder to find the necessary code coverage files.


Within this folder there will be several .gcda files. You can open up each of these in Cover Story to get an understanding of the overal test coverage.

Why open source?

I am releasing the code for this project for two reasons; to allow peer review of the code in order to improve my skills, and to provide a way for those unfamiliar unit tests in iOS to learn by example. If you have any suggestions or issues, please create a new Issue using GitHub Issue Tracker.