
For Neon Blockchain Explorer, frontend application forked bscscan and ftmscan to provide an intuitive interface for navigating and exploring blockchain data based on React and TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Neon Blockchain Explorer

NeonScan frontend source code

As a means to provide equitable access to blockchain data, we've developed the NeonScan Developer APIs to empower developers with direct access to NeonScan's block explorer data and services via GET/POST requests using React library.

Install & Dependence

  • node v18.13.0
  • react v17.0.2





  • for npm
    npm start
  • for yarn
    yarn start

Directory Hierarchy

|—— .gitignore
|—— package.json
|—— public
|—— scripts
|    |—— deploy-eth.js
|    |—— deploy.js
|—— src
|    |—— @types
|    |—— App.tsx
|    |—— assets
|    |—— components
|    |—— config
|        |—— networks.json
|        |—— networks.testnet.json
|    |—— eclipse.svg
|    |—— index.scss
|    |—— index.tsx
|    |—— Layout.tsx
|    |—— libs
|        |—— metamask.tsx
|    |—— locales
|        |—— en-US.json
|        |—— zh-CN.json
|    |—— neon.scss
|    |—— Pages
|        |—— 404.tsx
|        |—— account
|        |—— auth
|        |—— blockchain
|        |—— docs
|        |—— Home.scss
|        |—— Home.tsx
|        |—— more
|        |—— nft
|        |—— resources
|        |—— staking
|        |—— tokens
|    |—— pretty.scss
|    |—— react-app-env.d.ts
|    |—— reportWebVitals.ts
|    |—— RouterMapping.tsx
|    |—— setupTests.ts
|    |—— useStore.tsx
|    |—— WebCrypto.tsx
|—— test
|—— tsconfig.json


Group 1