
Primary LanguageOCaml


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Match Semantics

Exact Matches (Match.find)

  • Source and Template must match on prefix and suffix to match holes to syntax. At this time, this includes leading prefix whitespace and trailing suffix whitespace (e.g., newlines).


x = y; <-> x = :[1];

:[1] <-> x = y


x = y; <-> y = :[1];

  • Whitespace besides leading prefix and trailing suffix is match-insensitive.


foo ( bar, quux ) <-> foo ( :[1], :[2])

  • Multiple possible matches returns the first satisfying non-greedy match.


x = a + b; x = c + d; <-> x = :[1] + :[2] => :[1] = a, :[2] = b

Non-exact Matches (Match.all)

  • Does not require Source and Template prefixes and suffixes to be exact.


foo = bar; x = y; quux = bazz <-> x = :[1]; => :[1] = y

  • Returns multiple environments for multiple matches

foo(bar, quux); foo(foobar, bazz) <-> foo(:[1], :[2])

Environment 1: :[1] = foobar, :[2] = bazz Environment 2: :[1] = bar, :[2] = quux

Say you add a semicolon to our template: foo(:[1], :[2]);, will only return one match. Yes, it is that good.

  • Nested matches work

foo(foo(bar, bazz),quux) <-> foo(:[1], :[2])

Environment 1: :[1] = foo(bar, bazz), :[2] = quux Environment 2: :[1] = bar, :[2] = bazz