
Road Segmentation Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PixelCNN for Road Segmentation

Initial environment Setup on Euler

Use the following commands in the project root folder to setup the environment. This should be done once before running any scripts. Otherwise remove the "venv" folder with rm -rf venv and start over.

module load gcc/8.2.0 python_gpu/3.11.2 graphviz eth_proxy
python -m venv venv --system-site-packages
source venv/bin/activate

pip install timm
pip install huggingface_hub -U

pip install comet_ml
pip install torchview
pip install graphviz
pip install cairosvg

pip install segmentation_models_pytorch

The Bash scripts

The bash scripts in the "jobs" are used to train models on euler. The scripts are expected to be run from within the "jobs" directory.

I. e. pwd outputs .../jobs then run:

sbatch train_transformer.sh

For the transformer model it is also possible to run inference with the "inference_create_masks_parallel.sh" script (but the name of the model from "model/" folder should be changed accordingly in the script).

Using this Repo

Running the Code

The following list explains roughly the use of each source code file and whoch of them are needed to re runn the experiments from the projects.

Filename description 
pixel_cnn.py Contains our implementation of a conditional PixelCNN including the training loop.
main.py Used to setup training sessions of our PixelCNN. All relevant hyperparameters are exposed either at the initialization of the PixelCNN or at the method call to train it. Saves any trained model into the model directory.
pixelcnn_create_mask.py Contains the code to load a trained PixelCNN model and generate predictions for the ethz test set. These are saved as images into a directory by the same name as the model inside of the test directory.
dataloader.py  Contains a lazydataloader implementation used for the training of our PixelCNN.
playground.py Contains some utility functions used during the project to asses PixelCNN models.
--- ---
transformer.py Used for training swin2 with skip connections.
generate_more_data_from_deepglobe.py This code is used to generate data from the DeepGlobe dataset. It crops images of 1024x1024 into four images of 400x400.
src/transformer_create_mask.py This code is used to perform inference with the transformer model.
--- ---
u_net.py Contains the CIL implementation of a U-NET.
patch_cnn.py Contains the CIL implementation of patch CNN.
main_baselines.py Runnable script to train either of the baselines. Expects either --baseline=patch_cnn or --baseline=unet as a argument.
training_loop.py  Contains the trining loop used to train the baselines. 
utils.py Some utility code for the baselines.
mask_to_submission.py As provided for the project.
submission_to_mask.py As provided for the project.

All python scripts expect to called from the root directory of the repo. Otherwise the relative paths used will not checkout to the correct locations.

Directory Layout

The python scripts expect the following directory layout.

├─ src/
├─ Datasets/
|  ├─ ethz─cil─road─segmentation─2023/
|  ├─ DeepGlobe/
|  └─ data/
|     ├─ training/
|     |  ├─ images/
|     |  └─ groundtruth/
|     └─ validation/
|        ├─ images/
|        └─ groundtruth/
├─ model/
└─ jobs/

All python scripts expect to be executed from the root directory for correctly applying their paths.

The model folder can be empty but must exist because it's where the script will save the trained model.

The Datasets

We have removed the images from the repo. We added the metadata.csv files used for loading the data by our code. This means the original Dataset Folders can be used as long as the csv files are copied over. (We also provided the Datasets/data/ folder which is a legacy requirement of our src/main_transformer.py script.)

(!) The src/main_transformer.py uses the Datasets/data/ folder with the provided above structure (for the most of our experiments with transformer, we used the first 11 pictures for validation, and the others for training from the original Kaggle dataset).

For our best performing model we used the DeepGlobe dataset with the src/generate_more_data_from_deepglobe.py script, the list of files is provided in Datasets/data/my_dataset_from_deepglobe_plus_ethz.txt.

The Deepglobe dataset can be sourced here.