
KubeCon EU 2019 talk on building multi-cloud clusters with WireGuard

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KubeCon EU 2019

This repository contains the demo code for my KubeCon EU 2019 talk about building multi-cloud clusters using WireGuard.


In this demo we will imagine we are a company like Nest that is running object detection processes on video captured by IoT devices. We will run a web-app in the cloud connected to a GPU-powered image detection and labeling service in a different public cloud provider. The web-app will stream video from the IoT device over a WireGuard connection to keep the data safe.

Specifically we will:

  • create a multi-cloud cluster that spans between DigitalOcean and AWS
  • create some GPU workers in AWS
  • run the workload that captures video in a device on the edge, e.g. your host capturing video from the webcam
  • peer the workload with the cluster in the cloud
  • run a computer vision process on the video captured by the edge workload
  • accelerate the computer vision using GPUs in AWS.


You will need:

  • DigitalOcean and AWS accounts
  • Terraform installed
  • the Kilo commandline utility kgctl installed
  • WireGuard installed

Getting Started

Modify the provided terraform.tfvars file to suit your project:

$EDITOR terraform.tfvars


  1. Create the infrastructure:
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve
  1. Annotate the GPU nodes so Kilo knows they are in their own data center:
for node in $(kubectl get nodes | grep -i ip- | awk '{print $1}'); do kubectl annotate node $node kilo.squat.ai/location="aws"; done
  1. Install the manifests:
kubectl apply -f manifests/
  1. Create the local WireGuard link:
sudo ip link add $IFACE type wireguard
sudo ip a add dev $IFACE
sudo ip link set up dev $IFACE
  1. Generate a key-pair for the WireGuard link:
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
  1. Create a Kilo Peer on the cluster for the local WireGuard link:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: kilo.squat.ai/v1alpha1
kind: Peer
  name: $PEER
  publicKey: $(cat publickey)
  persistentKeepalive: 10
  1. Configure the cluster as a peer of the local WireGuard link:
kgctl showconf peer $PEER > peer.ini
sudo wg setconf $IFACE peer.ini
sudo wg set $IFACE private-key privatekey
  1. Add routes to the cluster's allowed IPs:
for ip in $(kgctl showconf peer $PEER | grep AllowedIPs | cut -f 3- -d ' ' | tr -d ','); do
	sudo ip route add $ip dev $IFACE
  1. Run the video capture service on the "edge":
docker run --rm --privileged -p 8080:8080 squat/kubeconeu2019 /mjpeg --bind-addr=:8080
  1. Check out the KubeCon application in a browser!
$BROWSER $(kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}' | grep kceu | cut -f 2):8080
  1. Finally, clean everything up:
terraform destroy --auto-approve