Best Conversation Ever

TODO: Write a real readme

  1. Copy ..env.example to .env
  2. Add correct values
  3. Run npm run dev

If you want to skip the Redis setup you can set USE_DB="0" But then you cannot share links and no data will be saved.

If you want to skip the recaptcha setup you can set RECAPTCHA_ENABLED="0" which is probably fine for running locally or in a site that no one knows about like this one. But you do run a higher risk of bots using up you OpenAI tokens.

If you want to skip setting up resend then just don't set it up. The contact form will fail when submitting.

Tech Stack

This applicatioin is my first time using all the technologies listed except Google analytics and reCAPTCHA.

Deployment is deployed to Vercel and I have been pleased with the experience so far.