A Minecraft mod that seeks to add vegan alternatives to all Minecraft mob/animal products using the following guidelines:
- Nothing added to worldgen
- No new crops added
- Clone this repository
- If you have Gradle installed, open a command line in the cloned directory and execute:
gradle build
. To give the build a version number, usegradle build -Pversion=<version>
instead (example:gradle build -Pversion=1.0.0
). To use the most recent commit, usegradle build -Pdev
- If you don't have Gradle installed, you can use ForgeGradle's gradlew/gradlew.bat instead
To use the runClient
or runServer
tasks, you must have a local.properties
file in the project directory. Its contents are as follows:
recipe_viewer=jei # or rei, depending on which you need or prefer.
Item | Alternative |
Bone | Fossils |
Bone Meal (as a fertilizer) | Fertilizer |
Milk (as a food) | Plant Milk |
Milk (as a status effect curative) | Soap |
Ink Sac | Black Vegetable Oil Ink |
Slimeball | Resin |
Wool | Block of Kapok |
Feather | Faux Feather |
String | Jute Fiber or Kapok Tufts |
Leather | Burlap |
Leather Armor | Burlap Armor |
Raw/Cooked Meat (as a food) | Seitan |
Egg (as a food) | No alternative yet (HarvestCraft's tofu is recommended for this purpose) |
Egg (as a baking agent) | Potato Starch or Apple Sauce |
Egg (as an object) | Plastic Egg |
Gunpowder | Charcoal + Sulfur + Saltpeter |
Rotten Flesh | Rotten Plants |
Blaze Rod | Plastic Rod + Rosin + Vegetable Wax + Flint & Steel |
Pufferfish | Frozen Bubble |
Ender Pearl | Frozen Bubble + Raw Ender |
Ghast Tear | Proof of Suffering |
Spider Eye | False Morel or Doll's Eye |
Fermented Spider Eye | Fermented False Morel |
Mob Heads | Blank Mob Head + Various Dyes |
Honeycomb | Vegetable Wax |
Honey | Syrup |
Rabbit Foot | No alternative yet |
Goat Horn | No alternative yet |
Glow Ink Sac | No alternative yet |
Phantom Membrane | No alternative yet |
Nautilus Shell | No alternative yet |
Shulker Shell | No alternative yet |
Prismarine Shards | No alternative yet |
Nether Star | No alternative yet |
Dragon Egg | No alternative yet |
Animal taming items | No alternative yet |
- Potato Starch in a furnace creates
- Bioplastic crafted in a 1x2 shape creates a
Plastic Rod
- Bioplastic crafted in a diamond shape creates a
Plastic Egg (Egg [as an object] alternative)
References: Make Your Own Bioplastic
- Jute Fiber crafted in a 2x2 creates
Burlap (Leather alternative)
- Burlap crafted in the standard armor patterns creates Burlap Armor (equivalent to Leather Armor)
References: Hessian (cloth)
- Chest + Sticks crafted together creates a Composter
- "Green" materials alone in a Composter creates
Rotten Plants (Rotten Flesh alternative)
- "Green" + "brown" materials together in a Composter creates
- Compost provides passive improvement to adjacent Farmland
- Compost + Saltpeter crafted together creates
Fertilizer (Bone Meal fertilizer alternative)
- In ideal mushroom growing conditions, compost will sometimes sprout mushrooms, including the
False Morel (Spider Eye alternative)
- Mushrooms, including the False Morel, can be placed in Compost as spores to grow them at a faster rate than their natural spread, at the cost of eventually depleting the compost of its nutrients. Spent compost can be recycled into more compost as a brown material.
References: The Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (C:N)
Doll's Eye (Spider Eye alternative) occasionally drop from harvesting Grass in a temperate forest biome
References: Actaea pachypoda (doll's-eyes, white baneberry)
- Apple + Wooden Bowl crafted together creates
Apple Sauce (Egg [as a baking agent] alternative)
- Piston + Potato crafted together creates
Potato Starch (Egg [as a baking agent] alternative)
- If a potato is crushed by a piston in the world, it will also create Potato Starch
References: Egg Substitutions in Baking, Ener-G Egg Replacer
- 2 Obsidian + Diamond + Emerald creates
Encrusted Obsidian
- 4 Encrusted Obsidian blocks placed in a diamond shape creates an Ender Rift in the center of it
- Water flowing through an Ender Rift at night has a chance to be converted into
Raw Ender. However, if this is done during the day, a random block around the Ender Rift will be consumed by it and lost forever.
- Plastic Rod + Kapok Tuft creates a Faux Feather (Feather alternative)
- Bones occasionally drop when mining Stone
- Soap + Water + Sugar + Glass Bottle crafted together creates
Soap Solution
- Soap Solution + 8 Ice (or 1 Packed Ice) crafted together creates a
Frozen Bubble (Pufferfish alternative)
- Soap Solution used by a player or a dispenser creates a
Bubble in the world, and the Bubble will freeze if it is surrounded by enough Ice/Snow/Packed Ice
- Frozen Bubble + Raw Ender Bucket crafted together creates an Ender Pearl
- Frozen Bubble placed in Raw Ender (in the world) will soak up the Raw Ender and become an Ender Pearl once it is fully filled
References: Frozen Bubbles Freeze at -40c
References: Sodium nitrate (Chile saltpeter), Chilean caliche
- Vegetable Oil + Vegetable Wax + Rosin + Charcoal creates
Black Vegetable Oil Ink (Ink Sac alternative)
References: Soy ink, The Printing Ink Manual pg219
Jute Stalks drop from harvesting Large Ferns
- 3x3 of Jute Stalks crafted together makes a Jute Bundle
- Jute Bundle, when placed next to or under water, will start retting
- Once retted, the Jute Bundle can be broken to get a variable amount of
Jute Fiber
- Jute Fiber can be crafted into Burlap (2x2) or String (1x2)
References: Jute, Jute cultivation, Retting
Kapok Tufts occasionally drop from harvesting Jungle Leaves
- Kapok Tufts can be crafted into Block of Kapok (2x2; Wool alternative) or String (1x3)
References: Ceiba pentandra
- Water + Potato Starch + 4 Paper creates
- 8 Papier-Mâché + Melon crafted together creates a
Blank Mob Head
- Blank Mob Head + various dyes crafted together creates each of the mob heads
References: Papier-mâché
- Water + 2 Pumpkin Seeds (or other plant milk sources) + Sugar crafted together creates Plant Milk (Milk [as a food] alternative)
References: Plant milk, Perfect Pumpkin Seed Milk
Fragments of Suffering occasionally drop when mining Soul Sand
- 8 Fragments of Suffering + Gold Nugget crafted together create
Proof of Suffering (Ghast Tear alternative)
Resin (Slimeball alternative) occasionally drops when harvesting Spruce Wood
- Resin in a furnace creates
- Water + 3 Charcoal crafted together creates
Wood Ash Lye
- Wood Ash Lye + Vegetable Oil + Rosin creates
Soap (Milk [as a status effect curative] alternative)
References: How to Make Soap from Ashes
- 3 Hay Bales + 3 Wood Planks creates a
Straw Bed (non-perfect Bed alternative)
- Straw Bed deals a tiny amount of damage to the player each time it is slept in (it's itchy)
References: Palliasse
False Morels (Spider Eye alternative) occasionally grow on
Compost when under ideal mushroom growing conditions
- False Morels can be reproduced by regular mushroom spreading, or by placing them in Compost as sprouts. The latter will grow faster but eventually deplete the Compost of nutrients.
- False Morel + Brown Mushroom + Sugar crafted together creates
Fermented False Morel (Fermented Spider Eye alternative)
References: False morel, Gyromitra esculenta
Sunflower Seeds drop from harvesting Sunflowers
- Sunflower Seeds + Weighted Pressure Plate + Bottle crafted together creates
Vegetable Oil
- Vegetable Oil in a furnace creates
Vegetable Wax (Honeycomb alternative)
References: Vegetable oil
- Piston + Wheat crafted together creates
Wheat Flour (this can be done in the world by crushing wheat with a piston)
- Water + Wheat Flour crafted together creates
Wheat Dough
- Water + Wheat Dough crafted together creates
Raw Seitan (Unwashed)
- Raw Seitan (Unwashed) crafted together three more times with water creates
Raw Seitan (this can be done in the world by dropping Raw Seitan (Unwashed) in a water block)
- Raw Seitan in a furnace creates
Seitan (alternative for all raw/cooked meat)
References: Wheat gluten (food), How to made your GLUTEN at home
- 2
Plastic Rods and 3 Iron Ingots are used to craft a Spout.
Sap is slowly produced by placing a Spout on a living birch tree trunk, and then a bucket on the Spout.
Syrup (Honey alternative) is obtained by cooking sap in a cauldron and collecting it with a Glass Bottle.
References: About birch syrup