
maximally compressed set of MinGW headers as a Zig module

Primary LanguageShell


An attempt at exposing a maximally compressed set of MinGW includes (via @embedFile of a .tar.zst compressed with zstandard level 19) as a Zig module. For context, the includes are ~69MiB uncompressed and ~6MiB compressed.

The only intention here is to be able to embed a full set of MinGW includes in standalone builds of resinator that can be extracted on-demand.




will download MinGW, build the header files, compress them, and then create a Zig module-ready .tar.gz at build/compressed_mingw_includes.tar.gz.


The .tar.gz then needs to be hosted (see Releases), in which case it can be included in your build.zig.zon/build.zig file like so:

    // ...
    .dependencies = .{
        .compressed_mingw_includes = .{
            .url = "https://github.com/squeek502/compressed_mingw_includes/releases/download/1.0.2/compressed_mingw_includes.tar",
            .hash = "12209b760f6780e143f9cde540487494292aaf07c08b49ac5f58f8339307a733db3e",
    // ...
    // ...
    const compressed_mingw_includes = b.dependency("compressed_mingw_includes", .{});
    const compressed_mingw_includes_module = compressed_mingw_includes.module("compressed_mingw_includes");
    // ...