No Longer Maintained, sorry!

Due to some life changes I no longer work with PowerShell. As a result this library is not maintained or updated, and should be used with caution. If anyone would like to fork and update for maintenance, please let me know and I'll happily link out, as I still believe there is value in this kind of project!

PagerDuty API Client for PowerShell

This project will serve as a PowerShell wrapper of the PagerDuty API.

Version 0.9 - This project is largly untested, use at your own risk. Documentation and in-line help to follow.

To download, click the 'Download ZIP' button on this main page, and extract your files to the modules folder. Then run PowerShell and run Import-Module PagerDuty.

Or, run the following script in PowerShell which will do all of that for you and will unload the module in your user Modules folder:

Add-Type -assembly “”
$Dest = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PagerDuty"
if (-not (test-path $Dest)) { New-Item -Path $Dest -ItemType Directory } | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$Dest\"
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory("$Dest\", $Dest)
gci -Path "$Dest\PagerDuty-PoSh-API-Client-master" -Recurse | Move-Item -Destination $Dest
Remove-Item ("$Dest\") -Force
Remove-Item ("$Dest\PagerDuty-PoSh-API-Client-master") -Force

The first time you run any cmdlet you will be asked to input your API key and your subdomain. This will be saved in a JSON file in the same folder as the rest of the PagerDuty module` files.

The following Cmdlets are accessible once you import the module:

  • Get-PagerDutyAlert

  • Get-PagerDutyContactMethod

  • Get-PagerDutyEscalationPolicy

  • Get-PagerDutyEscalationRule

  • Get-PagerDutyIncident

  • Get-PagerDutyIncidentNote

  • Get-PagerDutyLogEntry

  • Get-PagerDutyMaintenanceWindow

  • Get-PagerDutyNotificationRule

  • Get-PagerDutyReport

  • Get-PagerDutySchedule

  • Get-PagerDutyScheduleOverride

  • Get-PagerDutyService

  • Get-PagerDutyTeam

  • Get-PagerDutyUser

  • New-PagerDutyContactMethod

  • New-PagerDutyEmailFilter

  • New-PagerDutyEscalationPolicy

  • New-PagerDutyEscalationRule

  • New-PagerDutyEscalationRuleObject

  • New-PagerDutyEscalationRuleTargetObject

  • New-PagerDutyIncidentNote

  • New-PagerDutyIncidentObject

  • New-PagerDutyMaintenanceWindow

  • New-PagerDutyNotificationRule

  • New-PagerDutySchedule

  • New-PagerDutyScheduleLayerObject

  • New-PagerDutyScheduleOverride

  • New-PagerDutyScheduleRestrictionObject

  • New-PagerDutyScheduleUserEntryObject

  • New-PagerDutyService

  • New-PagerDutyTeam

  • New-PagerDutyUser

  • Remove-PagerDutyContactMethod

  • Remove-PagerDutyEmailFilter

  • Remove-PagerDutyEscalationPolicy

  • Remove-PagerDutyEscalationRule

  • Remove-PagerDutyMaintenanceWindow

  • Remove-PagerDutyNotificationRule

  • Remove-PagerDutySchedule

  • Remove-PagerDutyScheduleOverride

  • Remove-PagerDutyService

  • Remove-PagerDutyTeam

  • Remove-PagerDutyUser

  • Set-PagerDutyContactMethod

  • Set-PagerDutyEscalationPolicy

  • Set-PagerDutyEscalationRule

  • Set-PagerDutyIncident

  • Set-PagerDutyMaintenanceWindow

  • Set-PagerDutyNotificationRule

  • Set-PagerDutySchedule

  • Set-PagerDutyService

  • Set-PagerDutyTeam

  • Set-PagerDutyUser