
Crash your Kerbals using Ruby!

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Crash your Kerbals using Ruby!

Kuby is a Ruby wrapper for the game Kerbal Space Program. This gem exposes a simple DSL with which you can control your rockets.


Install the gem:

$ gem install kuby

Make sure you have a recent version of KSP and also install the Telemachus plugin.


Basic example

Create a ruby file with the following contents (simple_launch.rb for example):

require 'rubygems'
require 'kuby'

# Optional parameters :host, :port, otherwise defaults will be used (
link = Kuby::Link.new

# Connect to KSP

# Initiate first stage

# Set to full throttle

# Activate SAS

Now create a new rocket in KSP or load an existing one. Be sure to add one of the Telemachus antennas to it, otherwise your rocket won't be able to communicate. Now go to the launchpad and when the ship is loaded and you are ready for launch, execute the following command in a terminal:

$ ruby simple_launch.rb

Kuby will connect to your rocket and issue the commands in the order you specified in the file, your rocket will activate the first stage, go to full throttle and enable SAS. After that, the script ends but your rocket will keep flying.

Advanced example

This example will fly your rocket to ± 150 meters and then keeps it floating there by changing the throttle using an implementation of a PID controller

require 'rubygems'
require 'kuby'

# Optional parameters :host, :port, otherwise defaults will be used (
link = Kuby::Link.new

# Connect to KSP

# Initiate first stage

# Set to full throttle

# Activate SAS

# Wait untill we're at 150 meters
while link.altitude < 150 do
	sleep 0.2

target = 0.0
previous = 0.0
error = 0.0
integral = 0.0
derivative = 0.0
time = link.mission_time

loop do
	dt = link.mission_time - time
	time = link.mission_time
	error = target - link.vertical_speed
	integral = integral + error * dt
	derivative = (error - previous)/dt
	new_throttle = (error/10 + integral/15 + derivative/30)
	if new_throttle > 1.0
		new_throttle = 1.0
	elsif new_throttle < 0.0
		new_throttle = 0.0
	link.set_throttle new_throttle
	previous = error
	sleep 0.2


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