
Collegiate Climbing competition scorekeeping application

Primary LanguageRuby


GET /scoresheet/climbs - Retrieve list of climbs given by the current scoresheet

GET /comps/:id/leaders - Get the leaders for the comp id

GET /scoresheet/scores - gets the scores for the current scoresheet

PUT /scoresheet/speed - Adds a new speed record (in params[:time]) to the current scoresheet

PUT /comps/:id/join - The current user joins comp with id :id.

GET /comps - Returns an array of open comps

GET /comps/:id - Returns an array of the top scores in boulder, speed, and sport climbers for the comp :id

POST /comps - Creates a new competition with parameters given in params[:comp]

PATCH /comps/:id - Updates the comp with id :id with parameters given in params[:comp]

PUT /climbers/login - Logs in the user with CCS id given in params[:ccs_id]

GET /climbers - Returns an array of all the climbers

POST /climbers - Create new climber with params in params[:climber]

PATCH /climbers/:id - Update climber :id with params in params[:climber]

PUT /routes/:id/send - Record a send for the route :id in the current scoresheet. Returns the updated climb scoresheet entry.

PUT /routes/:id/attempt - Record an attempt for the route :id in the current scoresheet. Returns the updated climb scoresheet entry

PUT /routes/:id/witness - Record the witness (in params[:witness]) for the route :id in the current scoresheet. Returns the updated climb scoresheet entry

POST /routes - Create new route with params in params[:route]

PATCH /routes/:id - Update route :id with params in params[:route]
