
A thin node wrapper for webpack with some basic options and configuration.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A thin node wrapper for webpack with some basic options and configuration. The implemented config only deals with javascript, no other formats are supported and must be added via the extend option. Supports up to es2021, includes a babel and eslint setup and supplies the webpack bundle analyzer.


npm i @squirrel-forge/simple-webpack

Versions and compatibility

  • 0.13.x - future version supporting node 12.x and above.
  • 0.12.x - last version supporting node 10.x, see compatibility notes.

cli usage

If you installed globally with the -g option.

simple-webpack target -b --boolean --str=str
simple-webpack source target -b --boolean --str=str

For local installations use npx to run the simple-webpack executable.

npx simple-webpack ...


The source argument can be a single file path or folder. The target argument must be a directory and will be created if it does not exist.

Using only one argument

the source argument is omitted and assumed to be the current working directory.

  1. target - Path to write webpack asset files.

Using two arguments

  1. source - Path from where to read, if a directory, files are handled as separated entry points.
  2. target - Path to write webpack asset files.


A long option always override the value of a short option if both are used.

Short Long Type Description
-d --development bool Development mode
-p --production bool Production mode
--no-minify bool Do not minify, sets the optimization.minify option to false
--keep-names bool Add terser with keep names options
-e --extend bool/str Extend the webpack config using webpack-merge, optionally specify a path, default: cwd/extend.webpack.config.js
-b --bundle bool Bundle all files in one entry
-n --name str Bundle name, default: 'bundle'
-m --modules str, ... Prepend modules to each entry
--map bool/str Enable source map via webpack devtool setting
--index bool Recursively loads all index.js files from the source directory
--colors str, ... Define verbose listing color kib limits, must be 3 integers > 0
-y --show-config bool Show options, source, target and generated webpack config
--defaults bool Deploy default .eslintrc and .babelrc to cwd or target directory
-s --stats bool Show stats output
-a --analyze bool/str Use a bool for a static report or json/disabled, the server option is not supported, use with --stats for additional stats.json
-i --verbose bool Show additional info
-u --loose bool Run in loose mode, disables the strict option
-v --version bool Show the application version and check for updates

NPM scripts

When installed locally use following scripts.

"scripts": {
    "js:render": "simple-webpack src/js dev/js -d",
    "js:publish": "simple-webpack src/js dist/js -p",


Note: When using node 10 you must use version 0.12.x, critical fixes will be made if required, any new feature will only be available in higher versions.

Setup examples

For now there are no explicit examples to show the different implementation possibilities, use the -y or --show-config option to see how the webpack, source and target config are generated.

Api usage

You can require the SimpleWebpack class in your node script and run it, change internal options and extend it easily, look at the cli implementation and code comments to understand what to run in which order, currently there will be no extended documentation on the js api, since code comments should be sufficient to understand what works in which way.