A giter8 template for getting setup with Apache Spark in CDH.


There are two different ways to use this template.

Using sbt new (Spark 2)

In case of sbt’s launcher version 0.13.13 or above you can run sbt new squito/cdh-spark.g8 and follow the interactive prompts.

Using g8 directly (Spark 2)

  1. Install giter8

  2. Run g8 squito/cdh-spark and follow the prompts

CDH5 / Spark 1.x

For creating a CDH5 / Spark 1.x application a separate branch of this repository can be used: sbt new squito/cdh-spark.g8 --branch cdh5.x_spark1.x.

Run the Example

With Sbt

  1. Open an sbt session in project root : sbt then select the core project project core

  2. Compile the code: compile

  3. Run the app: runMain <your-package>.SparkWordCount local[*] <some input file>. (If you don't specify an input file, it will just use the "pom.xml" sitting there. It'll work, but not very interesting.)

With Maven

After a maven build (at least a mvn package) execute mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope="compile" -pl core -Dexec.mainClass="<your-package>.SparkWordCount" -Dexec.args="local[*] <some input file>"


Setting Up IntelliJ

  1. Open IntelliJ

  2. From the menu, choose "File / Import Project"

  3. Choose the directory you have just created

  4. Chose "Import Project From External Module / Maven"

  5. Click through the remaining dialogs

Continuous Compilation With Sbt

  1. Open up an sbt session: sbt

  2. Inside sbt, run ~compile. Leave the sbt session open. After the first full compile, you'll see something like 1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt).

  3. Change code (with IntelliJ, vim, emacs, whatever). Save your code, and watch sbt recompile.

Continuous Unit Testing With Sbt

(first I need to write an example unit test)

Packaging Your Code

You need to create a jar which contains all of your code & dependencies. However, you also want to make sure that your jar does not contain jars which are already available on the cluster. This will help keep the jar small, so it is quicker to package and send across the cluster (and also helps avoid confusing errors if multiple versions of a library are included on the classpath).

Instructions to build these libraries vary slightly depending on the build tool. Note that the project here has been carefully configured to enable packaging to work this way -- eg., every sbt project won't necessarily be able to build a jar like this.

After packaging your jar, you can launch a spark command on your cluster with spark-submit; just supply your jar to the --jars argument. Eg.,

spark-submit --master yarn --jars my_cool_project-core_2.10-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.mycompany.SparkWordCount

With Sbt

Execute sbt "project core" assembly.

With Maven

Execute mvn package.

This will create a jar like core/target/my_cool_project-core_2.10-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar. Add this to your --jars argument to spark-submit to run your code.