PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
Pinned issues
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#3954 opened by yazan20011 - 1
حل مشكلة
#3953 opened by Ahmed5megoo - 2
- 2
Infinite loop analyzing a certain file.
#3942 opened by npr-gh - 3
PHPUnit 10 Support and Refactor of code required
#3950 opened by nishant04412 - 15
No output when running phpcs
#3880 opened by rilwis - 3
How to ignore subpath of scanned code?
#3859 opened by jeritiana - 2
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Can't disable rule Underscore
#3939 opened by alexjonser - 0
Code Sniffer works on one project but fails on others
#3948 opened by jcummings83 - 2
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Alignment incorrect (maybe?) for null coalesce assignment followed by normal assignment
#3944 opened by JPry - 1
Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact false positive in foreach with heredoc
#3943 opened by puggan - 4
[PHP8.3] "final public const string JOURNEY" leads to "Class constants must be uppercase"
#3936 opened by ralusnom - 6
PHP 8.3 - Typed class constants support
#3927 opened by jnoordsij - 3
Allow lines to be longer than 80 chars if they're the first line in multi-line comments or part of annotations
#3938 opened by mfrieling - 58
The Future of PHP_CodeSniffer
#3932 opened by jrfnl - 0
Unnecessary line wrapping with `-s`
#3924 opened by anomiex - 2
False positives for exception expression
#3919 opened by Chi-teck - 8
Autofixer for Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionSpacing goes into "infinite" loop for method defined on the same line as a class
#3904 opened by Daimona - 4
--filter={gitmodified, gitstaged} is case-sensitive
#3877 opened by simonsan - 3
Fatal error when using Gitblame report from subdirectory when ruleset has basepath
#3854 opened by jrfnl - 1
PSR12.Files.FileHeader.SpacingAfterBlock: false positive when `use` is used for class and function
#3935 opened by VladyslavSikailo - 1
Document release process
#3861 opened by jrfnl - 1
> Where Excel file import in codeigniter, the problem exists for phpexcel 1.8.0 on PHP 7
#3931 opened by HekaalXFG - 0
Auto fix of Squiz.Formatting.OperatorBracket.MissingBrackets is incorrect when working with ?? operator
#3930 opened by leonidasmi - 11
PHP 8.2 support release
#3864 opened by janedbal - 2
JavaScript: Indentation after object parameter
#3928 opened by szepeviktor - 1
Generic.Files.LineLength miscalculates the length of line containing multibyte characters
#3923 opened by julien-picalausa - 3
Squiz.WhiteSpace.OperatorSpacing incorrectly adds space after bitwise operator
#3922 opened by kkmuffme - 6
Error executing phpunit.
#3909 opened by nelson1995 - 5
How to remove errors for specific comment or regex type string in a comment
#3921 opened by kapilpaul - 2
PSR2.Methods.FunctionCallSignature.Indent cannot be exclude from command line
#3920 opened by bhennesAdv - 3
Undefined index in FunctionDeclarationSniff
#3917 opened by GuySartorelli - 2
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Add an exception to a file for substring checking or exclude use or namespace checking
#3903 opened by todo-username - 2
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[4.0.0] Excluding/severity 0 should not load a rule
#3894 opened by kkmuffme - 0
Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.WrongNumber not triggered if no throw statement in function body
#3899 opened by smileBeda - 2
Can't Exclude Sniffs from Command Line
#3895 opened by AntumDeluge - 2
Shrink the scope of 3.8.0 and release ASAP?
#3896 opened by someniatko - 1
Feature Requst: Overwrite File locations
#3892 opened by MakerTim - 6
`phpcs:enable` can sometimes override `phpcs:ignore`
#3889 opened by anomiex - 9
Warning generated by a require_once outside a function
#3888 opened by so-o - 0
Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent: Indentation doesn't get fixed inside closures as a callback arg in a function call
#3884 opened by yCodeTech - 2
Generic.Formatting.MultipleStatementAlignment false positive for `match()`
#3862 opened by LastDragon-ru - 4
Feature Request: ignore/exclude parts of a file in the coding standard xml file
#3874 opened by finn-matti - 3
Doesn't report invalid argument count
#3860 opened by momala454 - 3
Sniff Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration does not add trailing commas to the final index of nested subarrays
#3852 opened by arwelcmm - 1