
Merges CSV files on a particular key and sends the output to stdout

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Takes as input the name of a CSV key and a list of CSV files sharing this key. Outputs to stdout a CSV file merging all values in files along the provided key.

NOTE: This utility makes many assumptions about input and output.

  • No validation is done on input files (i.e. - they are not checked for existence or well-formed-ness)
  • When no value is found for a particular CSV key, the empty string "" is used
  • CSV keys and values are not validated in any way
  • CSV keys are assumed to single words, underscore-delimited, and/or all lowercase


Since this gem is not published, you can install locally:

$ git clone http://github.com/sr-ix/vertex vertex
$ cd vertex
$ #rvm gemset create vertex #optional
$ #rvm gemset use vertex #optional
$ bundle install
$ rake install

To verify installation:

$ which vertex


Check out the help text:

$ vertex --help

Sample usage:

$ #assuming you are in the vertex repo directory
$ vertex --key product_id --files ./examples/products.csv ./examples/ratings.csv ./examples/colors.csv ./examples/flavors.csv > ./examples/all.csv