
Standard calculator made by SR Tamim using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & MathJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Smart Calculator

Made by SR TAMIM

This is a standard calculator made by SR TAMIM using HTML5, CSS3 & Vanilla JavaScript

  • You can do standard math operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
  • Get the squared value of any number (write the number & click on button)
  • Find out the square root √ of any positive number (write any positive number & click on √x button)
  • Use your keyboard to calculate (Backspace for AC, Delete for Del & other number buttons)
  • Get your last calculated answer (Click on ANS button)
  • Operate the calculator in dark or light mode
  • You can sync the calculator theme with your device/system theme

Visit the amazing calculator now. Click here

or visit https://sr-tamim.github.io/smart-calculator

My target was to make a smart calculator only using vanilla JavaScript. Until this commit this calculator was fully working only on vanilla JavaScript.

I always tried to fix the fractional calculation issue (like 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004). I've implemented many changes and spent lots of hours sitting next to my pc for solving that calculation issue. My first try to solve the issue was on April 14, 2021. I spent my valuable time in solving that issue last on 5 & 6 March, 2022. All these hard works & my precious time didn't paid off because the issue didn't totally wiped off. I had managed to solve the issue in multiplication & division but there were still issues in addition & subtraction. See the code of how I tried to solve the issue using vanilla JavaScript, here

At last, I gave up & search in google for any permanent solution. I found mathjs library & implemented it on this calculator on March 7, 2022. Finally, I hope the calculation issue has been solved.

Check out the Smart Calculator now & write down here if you find any bugs or issues.

Thanks a lot by SR TAMIM