
So-called malicious domains curated from sources that only update occassionaly or already died. I therefore regard these maldoamins 'immortal'.

The domains' availability was checked by PyFunceble Project.

DNSBL - community project discontinued by RiskAnalytics

Baddboyz Hosts

Hexxium - community project still alive though updates are not frequent

MD-ID-Fork - maintained by bongochong on GitHub

hphosts (EXP,HJK,MMT,PUP) - acquired by Malwarebytes and intergrated into now proprietary browser guard extension. The domains classified into EMD are not included as the false positives are just too horrific. See:

malware domain list - last updated in March 2022 (add.Risk) -last updated in 2018

Please note besides those still receiving updates frequently, hosts/domain blacklists that combine ads, tracking, spam and others with malicious domains are excluded. One example is mvps hosts. And I am not responsible for false positives included in original sources. The repo mostly serves as a monument to salute community efforts to combat maldomains in the old good days. They just gone away and I missed them.