Sitemap builder for osu!wiki
You need Node.js v8+ in order to run the webhook.
You'll need to get a GitHub access token from here and give it the repo
scope in order to properly use this.
Either create a config.yml
in src/
with the following keys:
port: 8080 # Port to listen on. Defaults to 8080.
sitemapPath: "wiki/" # Path of where to write the sitemap. Defaults to "wiki/"
sitemapGenPath: "" # What path to generate the sitemap of. Defaults to the directory of sitemapPath.
skipFiles: true # Whether to skip over files while generating the sitemap. Defaults to true.
accessToken: "" # Access token for GitHub.
accessUser: "" # Username to access GitHub as. Should be the same username that accessToken was generated for.
ignorePaths: # Paths that include any of the strings in here will be excluded from the output.
- "img/"
- "shared/"
or as the following environment variables (useful if using a "serverless" deployer like Heroku):
IGNORE_PATHS=["img/", "shared/"]
as a webhook listening to the push
event on your repository on GitHub, and watch the magic happen.