
Cryptor valuates crypto currency asset portfolios.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Cryptor valuates crypto currency asset portfolios.

  • Cryptor can process multiple asset portfolios and historic valuations.
  • Cryptor tracks the values and performance of crypto assets
  • Cryptor uses publicly available crypto prices and exchange rates, it does not communicate or integrate with blockchains or wallets.
  • Cryptor is a CLI application written in Go.

Quick Start

If you have Go installed on your system then you can download and compile the latest version with this command:

go install github.com/srackham/cryptor@latest

Pre-compiled binaries are also available on the Cryptor releases page. Download the relevant release and extract the cryptor executable.

Install an example portfolios configuration file using the cryptor init command. For example:

$ cryptor init
creating configuration directory: "/home/srackham/.cryptor"
installing example portfolios file: "/home/srackham/.cryptor/portfolios.yaml"

Edit the YAML portfolios configuration file ($HOME/.cryptor/portfolios.yaml) to match your own:

# Example cryptor portfolio configuration file

- name:  personal
  notes: |
    ## Personal Portfolio
    - 7-Jan-2023: Migrated to new h/w wallet.
  cost: $10,000.00 NZD
    BTC: 0.5
    ETH: 2.5
    USDC: 100

- name:  joint
  notes: Joint Portfolio
      BTC: 0.5
      ETH: 2.5

# Minimal portfolio
- assets:
      BTC: 0.25

Use the cryptor valuate command to value the portfolios. For example:

$ cryptor valuate

NAME:  personal
NOTES: Personal portfolio
DATE:  2022-12-22
VALUE: 11574.20 USD
COST:  6319.93 USD
GAINS: 5254.27 (83.14%)
            AMOUNT            VALUE   PERCENT            PRICE
BTC         0.5000      8430.65 USD    72.84%     16861.30 USD
ETH         2.5000      3043.78 USD    26.30%      1217.51 USD
USDC      100.0000        99.77 USD     0.86%         1.00 USD

Run the cryptor help command to view all the commands and command options:

$ cryptor

Cryptor valuates crypto currency asset portfolios.


    cryptor COMMAND [OPTION]...


    init     create configuration directory and install example portfolios file
    valuate  calculate and display portfolio valuations
    history  display saved portfolio valuations from the valuations history
    help     display documentation


    -aggregate              Display portfolio valuations aggregated by date
    -confdir CONF_DIR       Directory containing data and cache files (default: $HOME/.cryptor)
    -currency CURRENCY      Display values in this fiat CURRENCY
    -date DATE              Valuation date, YYYY-MM-DD format or integer day offset: 0,-1,-2...
    -format FORMAT          Print format: text, json
    -portfolio PORTFOLIO    Process named portfolio (default: all portfolios)
    -force                  Unconditionally fetch crypto prices and exchange rates

Version:    v0.2.0 (linux/amd64)
Git commit: -
Built:      2023-01-02T19:33:54+13:00
Github:     https://github.com/srackham/cryptor

Implementation and Usage Notes

  • Crypto prices and exchange rates are cached locally to the cryptor configuration directory (default: $HOME/.cryptor). Price updates are only fetched when they are not found in the local cache files (unless the -force option is specified). Caching ensures minimal use of Web APIs which can be slow and are sometimes throttled.

  • The valuate command values portfolio assets in the portfolios.yaml configuration file.

  • Portfolio valuations are saved to the $HOME/.cryptor/valuations.json valuation history file.

  • Valuations do not overwrite previously recorded valuations (this can be overridden with the -force option).

  • Valuations of past dates (using the-date option) are made using historic crypto prices, otherwise today's crypto prices are used.

  • The history command displays previously saved valuations from the valuations history file, if no matching valuations are found nothing will be displayed.

  • All values are saved in USD (use the -currency option to display values in other fiat currencies).

  • Values displayed in non-USD currencies are converted from USD values using today's exchange rates.

  • Portfolio names are unique and can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes.

  • If you specify the portfolio's cost (the portfolio's total cost in fiat currency) then portfolio gains and losses are calculated.

  • The cost value is formatted like <amount> <currency>. The amount is mandatory; the currency is optional and defaults to USD; dollar and comma characters are ignored. Examples:

          $5,000.00 NZD     # Five thousand New Zealand dollars.
          1000              # One thousand US dollars
  • Crypto and currency symbols are displayed in uppercase.

  • Saved portfolio valuations are date stamped.

  • Dates are specified either as YYYY-DD-MM formatted strings or as an integer date offset: 0 for today, -1 for yesterday etc. For example -date -7 specifies the date one week ago.

  • You can use integer date offsets to back-fill missing valuations. The following example back-fills missing valuations for the last 31 days (insert a sleep(1) between iterations if you encounter API rate limit errors):

      for i in $(seq -30 0); do cryptor valuate -date $i; done
  • Dates are recorded as YYYY-DD-MM formatted strings.

  • The -portfolio option can be specified multiple times.

  • Crypto prices are fetched from CoinGecko; exchange rates are fetched from exchangerate.host.

Portfolio Valuations Data

There are two formats for printing portfolio valuations:

  • text: human-readable text format.
  • json: JSON format.

Other formats such as CSV can be extracted from the JSON formatted data using external tools. One such tool is jq. Here are some examples of jq filters:

CSV assets history

The following command pipes JSON valuations history through a jq filter transforming it into CSV asset records: <name>, <date>, <symbol>, <amount>, <value>, <allocation percentage> records:

cryptor history -format json | jq -r '.[] | . as $p | .assets[] | [$p.name, $p.date,.symbol,.amount,.value,.allocation] | @csv'



CSV portfolio ROI history

The following command pipes JSON valuations history through a jq filter transforming costed valuations (valuations with usdcost>0) into CSV portfolio ROI (return on investment) records: <name>, <date>, <value>, <percent ROI> records:

cryptor history -format json | jq -r '.[] | select(.usdcost>0) | [.name, .date, .value, (.value-.usdcost)/.usdcost*100] | @csv'



The same query with a CSV header row and numbers rounded to two decimal places:

$ cryptor history -format json | jq -r '["NAME","DATE","VALUE","ROI"], (.[] | select(.usdcost>0) | [.name, .date, (.value*100 | floor | ./100), ((.value-.usdcost)/.usdcost*100*100 | floor | ./100)]) | @csv'



Plotting Portfolio Valuation Data

The cryptor repository includes an examples folder which contains bash scripts for plotting portfolio valuations. The scripts read cryptor output on stdin and use jq (to generate CSV plot data) and gnuplot (to plot the CSV data).

Portfolio valuation pie chart

The bash script examples/plot-valuation.sh plots a cryptor valuation. For example:

cryptor valuate -format json -portfolio personal | examples/plot-valuation.sh

Portfolio valuation pie chart

Portfolio history chart

The bash script examples/plot-history.sh plots cryptor history data. For example:

cryptor history -format json -portfolio personal | examples/plot-history.sh

Portfolio history chart