NixOS Configuration Files

A set of NixOS configuration files and build helpers.

  • NixOS build files named like <hostname>-configuration.nix, included files are named like _*.nix.
  • extra/ is a distribution agnostic shell script that installs configuration settings that are not managed by Nix (dotfiles and GNOME desktop shortcuts).


  • Move from channels to flake-based configurations.


  1. If you haven't already done so, you will need to install and log in to NixOS on the target machine.

  2. Download this repo.

    cd ~
    git clone
  3. Optionally edit configuration files.

  4. Rebuild NixOS using the mknixos alias:

    alias mknixos="sudo nixos-rebuild -I nixos-config=$HOME/nixos-configurations/$HOST-configuration.nix"
    mknixos switch  # Run `nixos-rebuild switch`.

Host Configurations

  • nixos1: GNOME desktop VirtualBox guest.
  • rpi1: Raspberry Pi 4 NAS server (CUPS, NFS, SMB).

Nix modules imported by host configuration files:

  • _rp4.nix: Raspberry Pi 4 specific.
  • _server.nix: services, packages and users.

A comprehensive look at NixOS configuration modularity can be found here: How to Start Adding Modularity to your NixOS Config.